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After years of fighting between the Muslim and the people of makkah, the prophet decide to visit makkah with his companion to observe umrah and hajj
They were presented by the people of makkah at a place called Hudabiyyah” which led to the first threat between both parties in the year 628, 6 years after hijrah
This treaty was violated by the non muslim in the3 year 630 precisely 8 years after hijra and as a result, the prophet laden army of 10,000 to conquer mecca
The muislim are to return te next year of hajj
There was to betruce of 10years between both partner
Anyone who join the prophet in medinah witout permission must be retired to mecca
Any trybe us free to ally
The agreement was written by the chief of the prophet for the muslim and suhail bin amron behalf of the people of mecca
The violation of this treaty came when a tribe banukhuzaa and ally to the prophet was attached by banu bajkr and ally of quraish
In the year 630 C.E precisely 8 years of hijrah the muslim enter mecca and conquered it with little resistance from the people the prophet forgave all these who had plotted against the muslim and destroyed the entire idol inside kaaba
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