Safety Precaution When Performing an Exercise


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In today’s class, we will be talking about safety precaution when performing an exercise. Enjoy the class!

Safety Precaution When Performing an Exercise

Safety Precaution When Performing an Exercise

Exercise precautions and safety tips

  • Wear comfortable clothing and well-padded shoes that can protect the heels and arches of the feet.
  • Put on appropriate gear for the activity, such as helmets and protective pads for cycling.
  • Always warm-up before doing exercise and cool down afterwards to lower the risk of strains and sprains.
  • Take appropriate breaks during the activity.
  • Do not exercise with an empty stomach. Eat something light (such as toast with jam or skimmed milk) to give you some stamina. Do not exercise immediately after a full meal because this will affect digestion.
  • Replenish extra fluids before, during and after physical activity, especially for prolonged exercise like hiking.
  • Beware of the weather and environmental conditions. Avoid doing outdoor vigorous exercises in hot or humid weather.
  • Listen to the body. Do not exercise when unwell. If there is dizziness, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea or vomiting, or muscle and joint pain during exercise, stop the activity and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Tips to stay safe and injury-free

  1. Be aware of your body: Think about how a particular exercise is making you feel. If something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately and seek medical advice.
  2. Warm-up and cool down: Try slow stretches and go through the motions of your sport or activity before starting. Cool down with slow stretching.
  3. Pace yourself: Have at least one recovery day each week to rest. If you are experiencing pain, rest until the pain has gone.
  4. Mix it up: Try other sports and exercises to reduce the risk of over-training.
  5. Strap or tape: If a joint is prone to injury, consider strapping or taping it before exercising. Even better, see an exercise physiologist or physiotherapist obtain a program to strengthen the injured area and get advice on proper taping techniques.
  6. Stay hydrated: You can lose around one and a half litres of fluid for every hour of exercise; so, drink water before, during and after a session.
  7. Be weather aware: Take it easier in hot weather and wear clothing and sunscreen to protect yourself from the elements.
  8. Do it right: Try to get the technique right from the beginning, to ensure you are using your muscles correctly.
  9. Check your gear: Make sure your shoes and equipment fit properly and are right for the activity. Look after your equipment and check it regularly for safety.


In our next class, we will be talking about Personal, School and Community Health.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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