Welcome to JSS2 Third Term!

We’ve had a remarkable journey from the First term to this moment. We are going to continue our journey into the world of Cultural and Creative Arts.

In today’s class, We will be discussing The Art of Music Performance. Enjoy the class!

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Music performance is the art and process by which musical ideas are realized and transmitted through tempo, pitches, instrumentation and dynamism to the listener.  It is dependent on the discretion of performance and cultural influence.

Developing a singing voice

Singing is a skillfully coordinated art which requires highly developed muscle reflexes.  Vocal exercises are essential for developing singing voices with the advantage of warming up the voice, extending the vocal range, lining up the voice horizontally and vertically and acquiring vocal technique.  One of the values of voice development is to learn how to sing within the natural limits of one’s vocal range without obvious changes in quality and techniques.  This can only be achieved when the four physical processes involved in singing are adhered to.  In music performance, there are 3 factors that affect the ability of a singer to do higher or lower pitches. These include; the energy factor, the space factor and the depth factor.

Singing in music performance functions best when certain physical conditions of the body are put in place.  The singer’s ability to move air in and out of the body freely and to obtain the needed quality of air can be seriously affected by the posture of the various part of the breathing mechanism.  A good singing posture allows the breathing mechanism to fulfil its basic function efficiently without unreasonable expense of energy.


Component of a good singing posture

  1. Feet slightly apart.
  2. Legs straight but knees slightly bent.
  3. Spine aligned.
  4. Abdomen flat.
  5. Chest forward in a comfortable position.
  6. Shoulders down and back
  7. Head facing straight forward.

singing posture music-performance creative arts classnotesng


Vocal training exercise

This is an essential part of a singing lesson that helps train the student singer or performance ear and vocal technique.

  1. Stretching and posture exercise.
  2. Breathing exercise.
  3. Ear-training exercise.
  4. Running skills.
  5. Mastering intervals
  6. Working on vowels.
  7. Work on focused tone and open throat.
  8. Learn a song
  9. Introduce the registers.
  10. Conduct performance


We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about “History of Music”. We are eager to meet you there.

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