The Role Of Political And Religious Leaders

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POLITICAL leaders are elected by the people to rule them for a period of time.

They perform the following functions:

  1. They govern the people
  2. They make laws and punish the law breakers
  3. They collect tax and use it to develop the communities
  4. They build roads schools hospitals and market for people.
  5. They provide pipe born water and electricity dor the people.
  6. They give orders and help to protect the people against any attack from enemies.
  7. They create jobs

Religious leaders are men and women who have dedicated their lives in the service of God they are called pastors or priest. They perform the following functions

  1. They lead the people in the worship of God.
  2. They teach the people in the church about God.
  3. They conduct prayer meeting.
  4. They baptize new believers
  5. They conduct ceremonies such as naming, marriage, burial etc.

we have come to the end of the class. If you have any question ask using the comment box. Thank you for your time.

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