Maintenance of Tools and Machines


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the maintenance of tools and machines. Enjoy the class!

Maintenance of Tools and Machines

maintenance of tools

Machine maintenance involves regular servicing of equipment, routine checks, repair work, and replacement of worn or non-functional parts. Machines to be maintained include both heavy-duty industrial equipment and simple hand-operated machines.

All tools, equipment and vehicles must be properly maintained so that workers are not endangered. Construction regulations require inspections of vehicles, tools, machines and equipment before use.

Preventive maintenance is the systematic care and protection of tools, equipment, machines and vehicles to keep them in a safe, usable condition, limit downtime and extend productivity. We must always be aware that maintenance tasks themselves are potentially hazardous and can result in injury.

General requirements for equipment maintenance

  1. Obtaining a copy of the maintenance schedule recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. Ensuring that maintenance is performed as required.
  3. Ensuring that the person(s) performing the maintenance are competent (e.g. Licensed mechanic).
  4. Retaining records of maintenance/service conducted.
  5. Specifying who is responsible for overseeing equipment maintenance and where the records are kept.
  6. Set up a system for removal and tagging of damaged or defective tools and equipment.
  • Corrective maintenance:

Corrective maintenance is implemented right after a defect has been detected on a piece of equipment or a production line: its objective is to make the piece of equipment work normally again so that it can perform its assigned function. It can either be planned or unplanned depending on whether or not a maintenance plan has been created.

  • Predetermined maintenance:

Predetermined maintenance, probably the less known one of all the maintenance types presented in this article, doesn’t rely on the actual equipment’s state but rather on the programs delivered by manufacturers. They elaborate on these programs based on their knowledge of failure mechanisms.

  • Condition-based maintenance:

Among all types of maintenance cited above, condition-based maintenance is the most complicated to implement. It aims to prevent failures and requires regular check-ups of the state, the efficiency as well as other indicators of the system. All this data can be gathered automatically on the field or remotely thanks to a direct network connection to the equipment, to make sure that it is constantly controlled


  1. Increases equipment uptime
  2. Enhances efficiency when running
  3. Reduces overall costs
  4. Improves the lifespan of the equipment
  5. Maintains the value of the equipment


In our next class, we will be talking about Basic Electricity.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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