Woodwork Hand Tools II


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In today’s class, we will be talking more about woodwork hand tools. Enjoy the class!

Woodwork Hand Tools II

woodwork tools classnotes.ng

Driving and impelling tools holding devices care and maintenance

  • Driving tools:

They are tools used for moving objects into metals through hammering, punching, or screw-driving. Driving tools commonly used by metalworkers include hammers, screwdrivers and punches. 1. Driving tools are tools used for moving objects into metals through hammering, punching, or screw-driving.

  • Impelling tools:

They are also called Striking tools, they are used for driving chisels and nails into the wood and for assembly work. The two types of striking tools used for wood-working are (i) mallet and (ii) hammer.

A great set of tools will always be useful to you, provided you take good care of them like protecting against damage and rust and storing them neatly. You may find it expensive to buy top quality hand tools. But many people assume that such tools do not need care or maintenance and throw them casually into plastic tool boxes or drawers.

Here are some tips to take good care of your hand tools:
  • Keep them clean:

Always, all tools must remain free of debris and dust, which can cause damage over a long time. Cleaning your tools will take only a few minutes. It is well worth to spend time cleaning the tools compared to the cost of repairing or replacing them.

You can clean hand tools by simply wiping all over with a rag. If the tools are dirty, do not hesitate to provide a good wash with water and soap

  • Inspect and repair:

One must inspect and do the necessary repair for the following:

  • Splintered, cracked or loose handles:

In case a wooden handle is damaged, it is prone to breaking during use, with the potential to injure someone. If the handle is not damaged too much, you can sand it down just fine. If the handle is too rough, first sand against the grain. Sand till it is smooth enough to run your hand along with it, without sensing splinters or chips. Complete the process with a coating of linseed oil.

  • Mushroomed heads on wedges and chisels:

A mushroomed head is just that. It implies that the striking edge which must be sharp has become malformed through use. When you use a tool in this state, the head can shatter on impact. Luckily, you can solve this problem by keeping tools sharpened. It is good to sharpen them whenever you notice a problem. Make it a habit to sharpen tools at least once every six months.

  • Rust and corrosion:

Based on the level of rust or corrosion, it may be unsafe to use the tool. Try to remove the rust by yourself or simply replace the tool. Getting rid of rust is quite easy in case there is no great damage.

  • Proper Storage:

Cleaning your tools is of no use if you don’t store them properly. Based on your needs, a simple toolbox will suffice. In case you own a big collection of tools or use them professionally, a great option is a metal cabinet. All tools must be sorted and organized and replaced in their stipulated storage area after use. This way you can not only access them quickly but also keep them safe.

Ideally, the tools should not rub against each other when stored. Some companies have designed storage systems to cater to this need. Keep all tools in a dry area, safe from moisture, direct sunlight and dust. Sharp tools like chisels must be stored in a holder to prevent injury. Also, do not leave tools in the work area for fear of posing as a serious hazard.


In our next class, we will be talking about Metalwork Hand Tools. We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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