Building Materials Used


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In today’s class, we will be talking about building materials used. Enjoy the class!

Building Materials Used 

Building Materials

Building materials used for the construction of houses, offices and commercial buildings are classified as building materials. The most commonly used materials for construction purposes include cement, stones, rocks, tiles and bricks. Different materials are used according to specific requirements, availability of space and type of structure to be built.

Building materials used before and now

Building materials used during the early years were stone, mud and other materials. Instead of concrete, mud was used to fill the gaps between bricks and stones. Construction was done using crude methods and techniques. Clay, leaves, twigs and so forth were also used by people in the olden days to build houses.

Some of the most frequently used building materials include:

  • Clay and mud:

During the earlier days, clay and mud was the most commonly used material though it was not as strong as the concrete constructions. However, it helped to keep houses cool during summers.

Building Materials

  • Wood:

Another most frequently used material is wood. Down the ages, wood has been used by people to build homes, furniture like tables, desks, chairs and so forth. Wooden homes and cabins are found in many places even today. Depending on the type of wood used, these houses are affected by varying climatic conditions.

Building Materials

  • Metal:

Metals are also among the commonly used building materials. Huge mansions and offices built of metals are strong and last for a lifetime. Today most of the constructions are done in metal to retain its elegance and strength.

  • Concrete:

Concrete is another material which is used for construction purposes. It is a combination of sand, cement, water and gravel. Most of the constructions are done in the concrete today. It has become an indispensable part of the construction process. It is long-lasting and strong compared to mud and wood houses.

  • Granite:

Being one of the hardest materials available for constructing walls, floors and kitchen accessories, this stone has been in use since ancient times. Granite counter-tops are among the most preferred material for kitchen counter-top. Its durability and opulence are the main reasons why it is chosen by most of the people to decorate their homes.

The other advantages of this stone are that it is highly heat resistant and can be cleaned easily. It does not retain any stains and bacteria. Though it is a bit expensive, it is indeed an investment which lasts for a lifetime.

Building Materials


In our next class, we will be talking about the Definition, Types, Uses of Drawing Instruments and Materials.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

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