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Inter-ethnic marriage is one in which the married couple come from different ethnic groups while an intra-ethnic marriage is one in which the married couple come from the same ethnic group. When a Yoruba man marries a Hausa lady, it is said to be an inter-ethnic marriage, however, when an Igbo man marries an Igbo lady, it is said to be an intra-ethnic marriage.

Advantages of Inter-Ethnic Marriage

  • It brings Nigerian of different background together.
  • It leads to ethnic peace in Nigeria.
  • Reduction of inter-ethnic crises.
  • Communal peace
  • Reduction of immorality
  • Mutual economic support
  • National unity

Disadvantages of Inter-Ethnic Marriage

  • Long geographical distance between families.
  • Cultural differences
  • Different perspective on how things are to be done.
  • Prejudice about an ethnic group

Advantages of Intra-Ethnic Marriage

  • It leads to ethnic peace in Nigeria.
  • Value affection
  • Tolerance
  • Unity
  • Understanding
  • It leads to ethnic peace in Nigeria.
  • Reduction of inter-ethnic crises.

Marriage Failure

People live together in order to

  • Benefit from one another.
  • Raise family
  • Satisfy their love needs
  • Work together
  • Learn from one another
  • Communicate their ideas
  • Have more friends
  • Acquire civilization

Reasons for Marital Failures

  • Lack of respect for each other
  • Lack of love
  • Intolerance
  • Greed
  • Partiality
  • Differences in religion
  • Differences in behavior
  • Infidelity
  • Childlessness
  • Third party
  • Differences in social status, age, beliefs, etc
  • Inability of the husband to provide for the family.
  • Failure to fulfil ones role
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