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Telecommunication is the way by which you make your thought and words known to another person who is far away from you. Examples of telecommunication are telephone, fax, email, television, radio, among others.

How to Handle Telecommunication

  • Handle with care
  • Go through the instructional manual before use
  • Follow the instruction step by step
  • Install telecommunication device properly
  • Request the service of an expert where necessary

Uses of Telecommunication

They are used to communicate with people far away from us both by words of the mouth (telephone) and by written message (fax) or electronic mail (email). It can be used to do business, solve problems and to ask for help.

Places Where Telecommunication are Used

  • School
  • Offices
  • Airport
  • Cyber café
  • Seaports
  • Post Office
  • Homes

Problem of Telecommunication

  • Lack of maintenance
  • Non-payment of bills by the owner of the device.
  • NEPA failure
  • Vandalization of telephone cables
  • Fault in the system
  • Not following device instruction manual
  • Carelessness

Solutions to Telecommunication Problems

  • Proper maintenance should be carried out.
  • Qualified personnel should be engaged to fix device problems
  • Bills should be paid regularly and promptly
  • Vandalized equipment should be reported to the appropriate authority.

Those who vandalize government properties should be arrested and punished adequately

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