Comprehension- Group Work on Oral and Written TV Interviews. Structure: Past Tense, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. Comprehension/Writing Skills, Paraphrasing a Passage. Essay Writing: Various Methods of Introducing Writings

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In today’s class, we will be talking about essay writing, etc. Enjoy the class!

Comprehension- Group Work on Oral and Written TV Interviews.

Structure: Past Tense, Past continuous, Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous. Comprehension/Writing Skills, Paraphrasing a Passage.

Essay Writing: Various Methods of Introducing Writings

Tenses (past)

  • Structure: Tenses (past)

Simple Past Tense: The regular verbs form their past by adding (Ed) to the simple form of the verb, while irregular verbs form their past tense in different ways e.g.

  1. Ume worked. In farm yesterday (regular)
  2. The boys talked to me this morning (regular)
  3. We ate late last night (irregular)
  4. Ada spoke to me on telephone (irregular)

Past Continuous Tense: This shows that action was still continuing in the past. It is formed by using a form of the past auxiliary ‘be’ and ‘ing’ e.g. was/were+ing

  1. I was drinking.
  2. We were drinking.

Past Perfect: This shows that an action was completed before another action in the past, or completed before a definite time. The auxiliary used here is ‘had’. E.g.

  1. After he had drunk the water, he thanked me.
  2. They had finished the work before the teacher arrived.

Past perfect continuous: e.g.

  1. I had been drinking.
  2. We had been doing it.
  3. They had been trying.
  4. She had been working.

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  • Comprehension

Content: Definition of a Paraphrase, Paraphrasing a Particular Passage.


This simply means an expression which is re-composed or re-stated in a shorter or clearer way. It means a restatement of a text in different words, often to clarify meaning.

A paraphrase of the comprehension passage on page 39 Marriage and Family.

Irrespective of one’s personal achievement, the only way a woman can be respected in the Nigerian society is when she’s married.

Marriage was formerly a sacred institution before Western civilization.

The three major ways of contracting marriage in Nigeria are court, religious and customary.

Marriage customs vary from tribe to tribe in Nigeria. A way of showing wealth and prowess in traditional Nigerian society is polygamy. This is fading out while monogamy is gaining ground.

Evaluation: In your own word, paraphrase the comprehension read on page 39-40.


  • Essay writing: Various methods of introducing writings.

Content: Essay Writing, Types

Essay writing:

The features of a good essay include rich content, its orderly presentation, correct use of language and avoidance of mechanical errors.

  • Content: The material the candidate presents must be relevant to the question set.
  • Organization: This is an orderly exposition, demonstrating the required formal features.
  •  Expression: This is the candidate’s ability on:
  1. Choice of the right words; idioms and expressions
  2. Use of language
  3. Use of different types of sentences
  4. Effective use of punctuation marks for sentence control
  • Mechanical Accuracy: All these are looked out for here:
  1. Careless handwriting
  2. Omission of words
  3. Use of incorrect tense, e.g. wrong use of number (singular/plural)
  4. Wrong use or omission of punctuation marks.
  5. Wrong use of capital letters.
Types of essay
  • Narrative essay:

It requires you to relate an event or incident as an eye witness would. It’s the art of storytelling. The use of past tense(s) is central to a narrative essay since an account of the past occurrence is meant to be given.

  • Descriptive essay:

It requires you to write a description of, for example, an object, a person, an animal, an incident or a scene e.g. describe a rainy day you will live to remember.

  • Expository essay:

It requires you to explain a thing or process fully. Usually, it requires the writer to compare and contrast, discuss the causes and effects of something or define something thoroughly. Examples of expository essay topics are Wild Animals in their Natural Environments, articles, or The Rising Cost of Living in Nigeria, How Christmas festival is celebrated in my Village Yearly, The Roles of the Judiciary in the National Development, Nigeria and its people, Road accidents in Nigeria, etc.

  • Argumentative essay:

It requires you to present a subject view to persuade your reader to agree with your own point of view against another one e.g. Pipe-borne Water is more useful to the People than Electricity.


Write an essay presenting your points ‘for’ or ‘against’ the topic ‘ Day Students Perform Better than Boarding Students in Examination.


In our next class, we will be talking about Essay writing: More on Argumentative “Child Abuse” Who is to be Blamed, Government or Parents?; Vocabulary /Development: Words Associated with Religion; Structure: Future Tense: Simple Future Continuous etc.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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