Comprehension/Reading Skills: Skimming and Scanning. Vocabulary Development: Agriculture. Structure: Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase Spelling: Words Commonly Misspelt 


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about words commonly misspelt, etc. Enjoy the class!

Comprehension/Reading Skills: Skimming and Scanning.

Vocabulary Development: Agriculture.

Structure: Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase

Spelling: Words Commonly Misspelt. 

comprehension english classnotesng

  • Comprehension/reading skills




The passage is a short extract from a full-length play. There are three characters; Salubi, Samson and Kotono. Kotuno is a driver who wants to give up driving, Samson, a motor park tout, is his mate or conductor. Salubi is a driver-trainee.


Answer the questions under the comprehension passage.


  • Structure: noun phrase and verb phrase

Noun phrase

A noun phrase is a phrase in which the main word or the head is a noun or pronoun.


The noun phrase performs exactly the same functions as a noun.

As the subject of a sentence

  1. The big girl
  2. The big ugly girl in the class is quarrelsome.
  3. The big ugly girl who stammers is quarrelsome.
  4. A young talented Nigerian lady was presented an award last year.
  5. The boy in the red shirt is my friend.
  6. We bought a brand new car.

The gerundial phrase which is also a noun phrase can function as a subject of the verb e.g.

  1. Telling lies often belittles a person.
  2. Consciously wounding someone is wicked.

The infinitive can also be used as a noun phrase and function as the subject of the verb.

  1. To tell lies belittles a person.
  2. To consciously wound someone is wicked.
  3. An adjective can be the head of a noun phrase.
  4. The poor suffer a lot.
  5. The conquered expect no mercy from their conqueror.
  6. The wise learn from experience.

As the object of the verb

The officer praised the students (Direct Object)

As subject complement

The grateful boy called his friend saviour.

His village made him a chief.

As the complement of a preposition

The governor thought of the brilliant lawyer when choosing his cabinet.

The thief hid the gun under his bed.

Verb phrase    

The verb phrase is usually made up of the main verb and one or more auxiliary verbs in the following sentences.

  1. Dike has done the work (one auxiliary verb + main verb)
  2. Dike has been doing the work since morning (two auxiliary verbs + main verbs + main verb)
  3. Obioma may come with us if he likes.


Mention the grammatical functions of the underlined expression.

  1. I have given it to the boy.
  2. The rich and the poor are invited
  3. Mr Henry is an angry man.
  4. I call Jesus my personal Lord and Saviour.
  5. I could have done the work sooner.

vocabulary development in Agriculture

  • Vocabulary of agriculture – general terms

  1. agrarian economy: A nation whose economy is predominantly based on agriculture
  2. fallow: Allow to stay without cultivation for a while
  3. orchard: A piece of land on which fruit trees are grown
  4. seedling: Young plant grown from seed
  5. barn: Building for storing farm produce, especially yams
  6. cash crops: A crop grown for sale rather than for consumption.
  7. arable land: Farming done on a piece of land good for tilling or ploughing.
  8. mechanized farm: Agriculture practised with the use of machines.
  9. nursery: Place where young trees and plants are raised for transplanting or sale.
  10. manure: This is fertilizer made from dung.
  11. bumper harvest: This is an unusually large quantity of crop gathered at the end of a farming season.
  12. tendril: This is the soft thin part of a climbing plant needed to be attached to a support.
  13. crop-rotation: This is the changing of crops planted on the same piece of land on a seasonal basis.
  14. agricultural loan: This is a loan given by government or bank to enable farmer’s farming projects.
  15. hybrid fruits: These are fruits produced from two plants of different species.
  16. amortize: This is to pay money in borrowed in a bit.
  1. livestock: these are domestic animals raised for their working ability or for their value as a source of food and other products.
  2. ranches: This a farm/confined space for the rearing of animals.
  3. beef:  This is meat from cattle or cow.
  4. animal droppings: Dung or faeces of animals or birds.
  5. broiler: These are young chickens reared for eating.
  6. dairy products: These are food items made from milk, e.g Cheese and butter.
  7. pasture: This is a grassland on which grass-eating animals feed.
  8. pullet: This is a young hen.
  9. vaccinate: Inject with a vaccine as protection against illness.
  10. veterinarian or veterinary doctor: A person who treats animals.
fish-net It is used to catch fish
cane pole and line Those are also used to catch fish.
ripples A small wave on the surface of the water after a net or cane pole has been thrown into the water.
bait Anything used to attract fish so that it may be caught e.g. earthworm.
float  Piece of wood or cork at the end of a fishing-line (or string) which moves when a fish bites the hook.
trawler A boat used for fishing. It drags the fish-net behind it.
fish pond A small area of still water, especially one that is artificial where fish are nurtured  for consumption
fishery A part of a sea or river where fish are caught in large quantity.

The business or industry of catching fish

fish farm A place where fish are bred as a business.


Choose five words from the words taught and use them in sentences.

Commonly Misspelled Words

Spelling: words commonly misspelt

Analysis of the words commonly misspelt in the English language

Correct Misspelt
accommodation accomodation
acquaint aquaint
bibliography bibiography
business bussiness
clarity clearify
colossal colosal
covenant convenant
diligent deligent
environment enviroment
enmity enimity
excitement excitement
expatiate expantiate
foreigner foreiner
incurred incured
grievous grievious
maintenance maintainance
misspell misspell
mischievous mischievious
necessary necessary
pastime pasttime
pronunciation pronouncaition
preceded preceeded
sandwich sandwitch
receive receive
referred refered
separate seprate

Others include harassment, embarrassment, herculean, workaholic, limousine, buoyant, buoy, boulevard, hippopotamus, stethoscope, obstetrician, pneumonia, choreography, commission, accommodation, surveillance, maintenance, agrarian, lovable, duly, gubernatorial, indict, accede, onomatopoeia, Ghanaian, promiscuous, continuous, philanderer, psychiatric. Psyche, burlesque, diarrhoea, obstetrician, stethoscope, flirtatious, sarcasm.


  • Dictation


General evaluation

From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is nearest in meaning to the underlined words.

  1. We must move with the times as there is no point in clinging to antiquated a. foolish  (b) outdated (c) unscientific  (d) useless  (e) wrong
  2. Religious leaders are supposed to be beneficent (a) clean (b) holy (c) honest (d) kind  (e) malevolent
  3. The minister’s response to the question on whether or not he would retire at the end of his tenure was evasive (a) concrete (b) clear  (c) definite  (d) elusive  (e) undecided
  4. Femi’s comments were germane to the issue under discussion. (a) complimentary ( b) confidential ( c) insignificant (d) redundant (e) relevant
  5. The manufactures found the new economic policy auspicious to their plan. (a) atrocious ( b) favourable  (c) reliable  (d) treacherous (e) unfavourable


In our next class, we will be talking about Kinds of Sentences- Simple, Multiple, Compound, Complex and Compound-Complex; Essay Writing: Expository- “Honesty is the Best Legacy”; Vocabulary Development: Stock Exchange and Insurance.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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