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In today’s class, we will be talking about comprehension: summarizing in a specified number of words, etc. Enjoy the class!
Comprehension: Summarizing in a specified number of words.
Vocabulary Development: Words associated with the building.
Structure: synonyms.
Comprehension: Summarizing in a specified number of words
You have learnt in the eight weeks how to summarize in a specified number of sentences, now you, want to learn how to summarize in a specified number of words.
In this case, your summary of the given passage must not exceed the specified number of words.
- it should be very brief
- A whole passage may be paraphrased into a paragraph or two
- For example, when there is a list of things like pepper, tomatoes, onion, magi, salt, groundnut, oil etc. you can summarize it to one word’ soup ingredient’.
Or cream, lipstick, powder, eye pencil, hair cream, etc. these are summarized into one word, ‘cosmetics’
Read the passage on pg. 125 of your effective English and summarize into one hundred words
Vocabulary development: Words associated with a building
- Building
- Relevant Words
A building has two main parts: the sub-structure which is underground and the superstructure which is the part above the ground. The substructure is usually called the foundation
Relevant words
- Concrete: a mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water that hardens as it dries. (it’s used for foundation)
- Glazier: a person whose work is to put glass in windows.
- Gravel: pebbles and pieces of rock coarser than sand.
- Scaffold: temporary elevated structure or platform for holding workmen and materials during the construction, repair or decoration of a building.
- Mansory: the skill of preparing and fixing stones in the building.
- Architect: A person who plans new buildings and sees that they are built properly.
- Renovate: to put back into good condition
- Furnish: to put furniture in a part of a building
- Cistern: A tank for storage of water, as part of the system which flushes body waste from the toilet
- Plumber: A man whose job is to fit and repair water pipes, bathroom articles etc. Other related words. Building plan, interior decoration, hinges, bricklayer, valuer, rubbles, tiles, commercial building, residential building, lintels, contractor, lintels.
With the aid of your dictionary, find out the meaning of the five words from the words listed above and use them in sentences.
Reading assignment
Countdown in English By Evans pg 123.
Structure: Synonyms
- Definition
- Words and their Synonyms
A synonym is a word which very nearly has the same meaning as some other words, and which can replace the word in a sentence, without changing the meaning in the sentences. It helps to avoid monotony in writing.
Note the following synonyms and the different shade of meanings:
Synonyms: odour, scent, smell, stench, aroma, fragrance.
- Aroma: refers to a pungent, spicy odour e.g. the aroma of peppers
- Fragrance: Describes a smell that is sweet and agreeable e.g. the fragrance of the rose flower odour and smell- refer to something that may be either pleasant or unpleasant e.g. the odour of ol leather, the smell of hydrogen sulphide.
- Scent: is less strong than odour or smell as in the scent of lilac
- Stench: is an offensive foul smell as the stench of burning rubber.
Typical synonyms
Word Synonyms
- Confess admit, own-up
- Abandon give up, relinquish
- Dangerous risky, perilous
- Surrender resign, yield
- Expensive dear, costly
- Disaster misfortune, calamity
- Aloof shy, withdrawn
- Dishonest unjust, deceptive
- Compensate requite, atone
- Dull gloomy, cheerless
- Reject expel, emit
- Protagonist hero, star
- Obliterate efface, destroy
- Generous liberal, open-handed
- Famous renowned, eminent
Find the synonyms of the following words
- request
- rule
- acute
- entire
- enemy.
Weekend assignment
Page 205 questions 2 and 3 of the Effective English
We hope you enjoyed the class.
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