Comprehension/ Writing Skill. Answering Summary Questions. Structure: Auxiliaries-“shall” and “should”. Essay Writing: Descriptive- The Evil Effect of Peer Pressure.

Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about answering summary questions, etc. Enjoy the class!

Comprehension/ Writing Skill.

Answering Summary Questions.

Structure: Auxiliaries- “shall” and “should”.

Essay Writing: Descriptive- The Evil Effect of Peer Pressure.

In a nutshell: how to write a lay summary

  • Comprehension/Writing Skills, Answering Summary Questions

Answering Summary Questions

Useful hints:

There are various ways of writing a summary. What is important is that you should give all the information required in the manner demanded. In addition, you will find the following hints useful.

  1. Always indicate which part of the question you are answering since the order of your answer may not correspond to that of the questions.
  2. Pick from the passage only the information demanded by the question.
  3. Keep strictly to the contents of the passage and be as brief as possible.
  4. Use your own words in presenting your answers; do not copy out whole sentences from the passage in answer to summary questions.


Read the summary passage on page 29 of your Effective English and answer the questions below it.

  • STRUCTURE: Auxiliary ‘shall’ and ‘should’.

Aux. ‘shall’

1.’Shall’- Shall shows simple futurity in the first-period singular and plural

2. ‘Shall’-Shows determination in the second and third persons, singular and plural.

Person Singular Plural
2nd You shall You shall
3rd He/she/it shall They shall

E.g. You shall love your neighbours as yourself.

  1. ‘Should’—it expresses futurity from the standpoint of some past time.

I should eat the food if given. (Here should is future) a condition.

  1. Should’– it expresses obligation and logical necessity.

(In this sense, it has the same sense as ‘ought to’)

We should eat the food since it is safe.

  1. it’s used after certain expressions (of pity, surprise etc.) e.g. It is a pity that he should behave that way.

Evaluation: Make five sentences each with ‘shall’ and ‘should’.

Reading Assignment: Countdown: Page 193-194.

how to write descriptive essay english classnotesng

  • Essay Writing: Descriptive


  1. Definition
  2. Writing: ‘The Evil Effect of Peer Pressure’

A description Essay is the one that requires you to write a description of, for example, an object, a person, an animal, an incident or a scene. You should have a picture in your mind of what to describe. The clearer the picture, the better your description.

Ensure that your presentation follows a logical order. It is poor planning to jump forwards and backwards in such an essay.


Write a descriptive essay on ‘The Evil of Peer Pressure’


In our next class, we will be talking about Vocabulary Development- Printing and Mass-media; Structure: ‘can and could’; Words Commonly Misspell; the Use of Dictionary.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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