Comprehension: Comprehending Word, ‘Beauty’ Meanings in Context. Structure: Auxiliaries, “will and would”. Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Photography


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In today’s class, we will be talking about comprehending words meanings in context. Enjoy the class!

Comprehension: Comprehending Word, ‘Beauty’ Meanings in Context.

Structure: Auxiliaries, “will and would”.

Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Photography

Comprehending words

  • Comprehension: Comprehending words meanings in the context section

Comprehension means understanding. To comprehend words in context means to understand the meaning of a given word used in the context or passage.

Useful hints:

Before the meaning of a word can be given, the contextual usage must be considered, this might be quite different from the general meaning of the word.

When replacing a given word in a passage, test your equivalent in the passage to see if the original meaning of the passage or sentence has been retained. The equivalents should be exact equivalents. For example, you should retain the tense of the original verb; E.g. ‘stared’ should be replaced by ‘gazed’. You must also retain the word class i.e. if a word is a noun, it equivalent must also be a noun and vice versa. E.g. probity (noun)- honesty, decency, integrity, uprightness, saintliness. All these are nouns.

Vehemently (adverb)-strongly {adverb}, forcefully etc.

Jealous (adjective)-envious (adjective).

The word given must be equivalent to the word in the context.

REFERRED TO Page 104, Passage A- ‘Beauty’- Reading passage about black hair


  • Structure: Auxiliaries ‘will and would’.

Auxiliary ‘will’:

Shows simple futurity in the second person and the third person singular and plural. e.g.

2nd person           Singular                                          Plural

You will             You will    He, she, it, will                 They will

‘Will’ shows determination in the first person singular and plural e.g.

First-person singular                       plural

I will                                                   We will

Auxiliary ‘would‘ expresses futurity from the standpoint of some past time e.g… If I had a car, I would travel very often.

‘Would’ is used to express condition

Words associated with Photography

  • Vocabulary Development: Words associated with Photography

Photography means writing or drawing with light. Therefore a camera picture is one drawn with rays of light.

Relevant words
  1. Darkroom: Room with a dim-coloured light cut off from all outside light. It is used for developing photographs
  2. Film:  A medium used to capture images in a camera.
  3. Blur: To make obscure or hazy or dim.
  4. Pose: To take a fixed position for the sake of effect.
  5. Hobby: Favourite pastime
  6. Lens: Curved piece of glass that forms images as light passes through it.
  7. Negative: Piece of plastic which shows the lights and shadows in reverse.
  8. Studio: Workroom of a photography
Weekend assignment

Find out the meanings of the following words and use them in sentences:

  1. rewind crank
  2. shutter release button
  3. viewfinder
  4. colour slides cine-camera
  5. developing
  6. printing
  7. negative.


In our next class, we will be talking about Essay writing: Formal Letter, speech work: Contrasting /Ɵ/and /ᵭ/ \ Ɵ\ and/t/ /d/ and /d/, Structure: Participle-Present and Past.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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