First Aider – Duties and qualities of first aider


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In today’s class, we’re going to explore the role of a first aider and understand the important duties and qualities that make a good first aider.

First Aider – Duties and qualities of first aider

Duties of a First Aider

First Aider - Duties and qualities of first aider

A first aider is a person trained to provide immediate care and assistance to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill. Let’s look at the primary duties of a first aider:

Assess the Situation: The first duty of a first aider is to assess the situation and ensure it is safe for both the injured person and themselves. If there are any risks, the first aider should take steps to remove or minimize them.

First Aider - Duties and qualities of first aider

Provide First Aid: Once the situation is safe, the first aider provides first aid to the injured or ill person. This may involve applying bandages, cleaning wounds, performing CPR, or helping the person take prescribed medications if necessary.

Call for Help: If the injury or illness is severe, a first aider should call for professional medical assistance, such as an ambulance or a healthcare provider.

First Aider - Duties and qualities of first aider

Comfort and Reassure: It’s important for a first aider to comfort and reassure the injured person. Being calm and compassionate helps reduce anxiety and fear.

Monitor the Person: After providing initial care, a first aider should monitor the person’s condition and provide ongoing assistance until professional help arrives.

Qualities of a First Aider:

A good first aider possesses certain qualities that are important for effectively carrying out their duties. These qualities include:

Calmness: A first aider should remain calm in stressful situations. This helps in making clear decisions and comforting the injured person.

Compassion: Being empathetic and compassionate is essential in providing emotional support to the injured person.

Knowledge: A good first aider has knowledge of basic first aid procedures and knows when to seek professional help.

Confidence: Confidence in one’s ability to provide first aid is crucial. It helps the first aider act swiftly and with assurance.

Communication: Effective communication is vital in calming the injured person and relaying information to medical professionals when needed.

Adaptability: Situations may change, and a first aider should be adaptable and able to adjust their actions accordingly.

A first aider plays a crucial role in providing immediate care and assistance to those in need. By understanding their duties and possessing the right qualities, a first aider can make a significant difference in helping someone recover from an injury or illness.

We have come to the end of today’s class. I hope you enjoyed the class!

In case you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below, and trust us to respond as soon as possible. Cheers!

Question Time

  1. What is the first duty of a first aider when they come across an injured or ill person, and why is it important to assess the situation?
  2. Can you name some examples of first aid that a first aider might provide to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill?
  3. Why is it necessary for a first aider to call for professional medical assistance in some cases, and how do they do so?
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