Identification and Use of Adverbs in Sentences


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In today’s class, we will be talking about the identification and use of adverbs in sentences. Enjoy the class!

Identification and use of adverbs in sentences

adverb english language classnotesng


An adverb tells us more about how, when or where the action of a verb takes place.

  • How: The lightning flashed brightly.
  • When: The thunder rumbled later.
  • Where: The rain fell here.

Adverbs are sometimes used in pairs to make the meaning clearer.

  • The rain fell very heavily.

These adverbs tell us more about other adverbs.

  1. quite
  2. only
  3. so
  4. almost
  5. very
  6. rather
  7. less
  8. most

A pair of adverbs is also known as an adverbial.

To make sentences more interesting we can use adverb clauses. An adverb clause tells us more about the verb in a sentence.

An adverb clause:

  • has a subject
  • has a verb
  • begins with a conjunction
  • answers the questions why, when or how.

These are all subordinate clauses. Subordinate means less important.

The train has stopped because the engine broke down.

The adverb clause because the engine broke down tells us why the train had stopped.

The train will start again when they fix the engine.

The adverb clause when they fix the engine tells us when the train will start.

The train will start again if they fix the engine.

The adverb clause if they fix the engine tells us how the train will start again.

  • Why? She scrubbed the floor because it was very dirty.
  • When? She scrubbed the floor before the children came home.
  • How? She scrubbed the floor until her arms ached.

An adverb clause can come at the beginning of a sentence.

It is separated from the main clause by a comma.

These are all subordinate clauses. Subordinate means less important.

  1. Because it was dirty, she scrubbed the floor.
  2. Before the children came home, she scrubbed the floor.
  3. Until her arms ached, she scrubbed the floor.


  1. Find the adverbs in these sentences.

You’ll do this exercise carefully, won’t you?

Answer: carefully

  1. The birds sang sweetly.
  2. The man spoke slowly.
  3. The children played happily.
  4. The boy wrote his exercise badly.
  5. The woodcutter looked sadly at the river.
  6. When he saw his axe, he smiled happily.


  1. Use adverbs from the list in the box to fill the blank spaces. Say whether your adverb shows the manner, or time, or place of the action. We have completed number 1 for you.
  • well
  • quickly
  • carefully
  • brightly
  • tomorrow
  • tonight
  • hard
  • loudly
  • here
  • fast
  • today
  • slowly
  • carelessly
  1. The boy wrote quickly (manner).
  2. You are working too _____
  3. I will do the work ______
  4. Open the door _______
  5. Come ______. I want to speak to you.
  6. I saw Jane ______ and I shall see her again _____.


Guided informal letter: a guide to write informal letters.

Rules for writing Informal letters:

  1. Write your full name and address even if it is an informal letter.
  2. Divide your letter into small paragraphs.
  3. Keep your writing simple.
  4. Make a good choice of words especially if you are writing an apology letter or a letter to express your condolences in case of a death.
  5. Most people close the letter with phrases like ‘Yours affectionately/With love/All the best/Take care’ etc.
informal letters
  • Write a letter to your elder sister on your last vacation.


Oral composition: descriptive and narrative

  1. narrate an interesting experience on your first day in school
  2. describe your school


In our next class, we will be talking about Identification of Comparative Forms of Adjectives.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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