Identification And Uses Of ICT Gadgets II 

Welcome to class.

We have discussed what ICT gadget is and how important it is to us and the environment. The uses of Information and communication technology gadgets are enormous. But we will list some here;

  1. It makes communication very easy
  2. It makes both teaching and learning very easy
  3. They can also be used for entertainment like laptop and phones for play songs
  4. It saves time
  5. It makes people who work in an industry or companies be able to work from home
  6. The use of washing machines and cooking gas makes both washing and cooking very easy and fast
  7. ICT gadgets makes companies and industries to grow
  8. They help keep information in a well secured and reliable place. For example, the use of mails helps save some important documents and files for a very long period of time.


  1. List three uses of ICT gadgets

We have come to the end of the class, If you have any questions ask using the comment box. Thank you for your time.

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