Introduction to Food and Health

Welcome to today’s class!!

We are thrilled to have you in our class!!

In today’s Food and Nutrition Class, we will be talking about Introduction to Food and Health

Introduction to Food and Health

Introduction to Food and Health

Do you want to be strong, healthy, and happy?

Eating the right food helps!

Good Food = Good Health

– Fruits like apples and bananas give you energy to play.

– Vegetables like carrots help you see better.

– Whole grains like brown rice make you strong.

– Proteins like chicken help you grow.

– Milk makes your bones strong.

Bad Food = Bad Health

Healthy Habits

– Eat fruits and vegetables.

– Drink plenty of water.

– Limit unhealthy snacks.

– Exercise daily.

Food is anything we eat or drink to nourish our bodies, while health is when our body is strong, free from sickness, and functioning well.


Why is Food Important for Good Health?

1. Energy to play and learn

2. Growth and development

3. Fighting diseases

Match the following foods to their benefits:

Food Benefit

Apples _______________________

Carrots _______________________


Chicken _______________________

Milk _______________________


Which of the following foods are unhealthy?

Chips, Cookies, Soda, Fruits, Vegetables

Do you know why these foods are unhealthy? They are:

High in sugar and salt

Low in nutrients

Can lead to health problems

Create a healthy meal using the following foods:



Whole Grains




What are three reasons why food is important for good health?


Reading Assignment

Give two examples of healthy food choices and explain why they are healthy.


Weekend Assignment

Identify five things that happen when we consume too much unhealthy food?

Share Your Healthy Meal Idea with your friends.


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will continue the lesson on Introduction to Food and Health.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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