Metalwork Hand Tools


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In today’s class, we will be talking about metalwork hand tools. Enjoy the class!

Metalwork Hand Tools

Metalwork Hand Tools

Metalworking hand tools are hand tools that are used in the metalworking field. Hand tools are powered solely by the operator.

The following are the basic tools and equipment used in doing metal works:

  1. Straightedge: A steel rule used to test the flatness of a workpiece. The edge of the steel rule is placed on the surface of a material and then held up against the light.
  2. Outside calliper: This is used to measure the outside dimensions of either a flat or round stock. It may also be used to check the parallelism of surfaces. The setting on the outside calliper may be converted into linear units by measuring the opening with a steel rule.
  3. Inside calliper: This is used to measure the diameter of holes or widths of key-ways and slots. To convert the inside calliper’s opening into linear units, use a steel rule in the same manner as that of the outside calliper.
  4. Hermaphrodite calliper: This consists of two legs; one is like that of a divider and the other one is like the leg of an inside calliper. Hermaphrodite callipers may be used to scribe arcs or in marking layout work.
  5. Try-square: This consists of a thick beam sometimes called the stock and a thin blade set at 90° angle. This tool is commonly used to test or “try” the accuracy of work. Many try-squares are gradated on the blade so it may also be used as a rule.
  6. Divider: This is similar in construction to callipers except that the legs are straight and terminates in sharp points. These are used for measuring distances between points, transferring measurement from a scale, and scribing circles and arc’s
  7. Tape rule: This comes in different lengths but commonly in two-meter lengths. They are useful in measuring large dimensions such as lengths of metal bars and width of iron sheets. The flexible metal tape rule is housed into a small metal receptacle and can be pulled out when needed.
  8. Vernier calliper: This is a device which measures dimensions more accurately than most other measuring tools and is commonly used in machine shop work.
  9. Micrometre: This is used to measure very small dimensions. It may be used to determine the thickness of a shim or the diameter of a single hair strand.
  10. Layout table: This is made of granite or cast iron. Granite is considered better than cast iron but is very expensive. For very simple layout work, any plain surface such as an ordinary tabletop will do.
  11. Scribers: These are generally used with a straight edge ruler to draw straight lines. These are made of hardened steel and sharpened to a very sharp point. On some scribers, one end is bent to allow marking a line in hard-to-reach places.
  12. Layout punch: Also, commonly known as prick punch. It looks a centre punch except that the point is ground to an angle of 30° to 60° and is used to permanently mark the location of layout lines.
  13. Centre punch: Is practically the same as the prick punch except that the point is ground to an angle of 90°. It is used to mark the location of the centres of holes. The wider the angle of indentation permits a drill bit to start holes accurately.
  14. Hammer: The most commonly used in bench-work are the ball-peen, straight peen, and cross peen hammers. Aside from the three, soft-faced hammers are also extensively used in metalwork.  These are used in assembling or disassembling parts so the finished surfaces would not be dented. The faces of soft hammers are made of lead, plastic, rawhide, wood, or copper. These are attached to a steel handle and are generally replaceable.


In our next class, we will be talking more about Metalwork Hand Tools.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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