Rights of Citizens


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the rights of citizens. Enjoy the class!

Rights of Citizens

Citizenship-Rights civic education classnotesng

Rights of citizens

The primary function of a state or country is to protect the fundamental human rights of its citizens and as a citizen of Nigeria you have the following rights entitled to you:

  1. Right to life
  2. Right to freedom from torture, inhuman or degrading punishment.
  3. Right to freedom from deprivation of personal liberty.
  4. Right to freedom from discrimination on the ground of sex, race or tribe
  5. Right to fair and equal hearing
  6. Right to private and family life.
  7. Right to freedom of movement.
  8. Right to peaceful assembly and association
  9. Right to freedom of expression and the press.
  10. Right to freedom from slavery and forced labour.
  11. Right to freedom from unlawful imprisonment.
  12. Right to ownership of property.
  13. Right to vote and be voted for.
  14. Right to education.

citizens rights civic education classnotesng


  1. Mention your fundamental rights as a citizen of Nigeria.
  2. Explain right to a fair hearing.
Types of laws in existence in Nigeria

The following are types of laws in existence in Nigeria.

  1. Constitution: This is a body of rules and regulations governing the citizens of Nigeria.
  2. Decrees: Decrees are laws made by the military when they are in power.
  3. Bye-laws: These are laws made by the local governments, public corporations etc.
  4. Judicial precedents: These are important judgments passed and decisions taken in our law courts like the Supreme Court.
  5. Conventions: These are rules that guide peoples’ behaviour which is not written down but people show their disrespect when violated.
  6. Custom and Norms.
  7. International laws: International laws such as the ones made by international organizations like the U.N.O., A.U., O.P.E.C. etc.


  1. State the types of law in existence in Nigeria.
  2. Differentiate between bye-laws and conventions.
General evaluation
  1. State your fundamental rights as a citizen of Nigeria.
  2. Which constitution is in operation in Nigeria?
  3. Discuss how the government can protect your right to life.
  4. Mention five of your duties to Nigeria.
  5. What is youth empowerment?

Reading assignment

Fundamentals of Civic Education for Senior Secondary Schools Book 3, Sola AkinyemiPgs. 1-6.


  1. Highlight five limitations to your fundamental human right.
  2. Explain four benefits of these limitations.


In our next class, we will be talking about Constitutional Democracy.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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