

Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about energy. Enjoy the class!



What is energy?

Energy is the ability or capability to do work. It is the work that a certain force (gravitational, electromagnetic, etc.) can do. It can be grouped into different forms which are;

  • Wind energy:


It is becoming more and more common. The innovations that are allowing wind farms to appear are making them a more common sight. By using large turbines to take available wind as the power to turn, the turbine can then turn a generator to produce electricity.

While this seemed like an ideal solution to many, the reality of the wind farms is starting to reveal an unforeseen ecological impact that may not make it an ideal choice. Wind power is becoming more and more common. The innovations that are allowing wind farms to appear are making them a more common sight.

By using large turbines to take available wind as the power to turn, the turbine can then turn a generator to produce electricity. While this seemed like an ideal solution to many, the reality of the wind farms is starting to reveal an unforeseen ecological impact that may not make it an ideal choice.

  • Solar energy:


It harvests the energy of the sun by using collector panels to create conditions that can then be turned into a kind of power. Large solar panel fields are often used in the desert to gather enough power to charge small substations, and many homes use solar systems to provide for hot water, cooling and supplement their electricity.

The issue with solar is that while there are plentiful amounts of sun available, only certain geographical ranges of the world get enough of the direct power of the sun for long enough to generate usable power from this source.

  • Wave energy:


Wave energy is produced from the waves that are produced in the oceans. It is renewable, environment friendly and causes no harm to the atmosphere. It can be harnessed along coastal regions of many countries and can help a country to reduce its dependence on foreign countries for fuel.

Producing wave energy can damage the marine ecosystem and can also be a source of disturbance to private and commercial vessels. It is highly dependent on wavelength and can be a source of visual and noise pollution.

Types of energy
  1. Kinetic energy: the kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion.
  2. Potential energy: potential energy is the energy held by an object because of its position relative to other objects, stresses within itself, its electric charge, or other factors.


In our next class, we will be talking more about Energy.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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