Environmental Pollution II


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking more about environmental pollution. Enjoy the class!

Environmental Pollution II

Environmental Pollution classnotes.ng

Types of pollution

Last lesson we talked about some of the types and today we will conclude on the types of pollution.

  • Soil/land pollution:

Land pollution is the deterioration (destruction) of the earth’s land surfaces, often directly or indirectly as a result of man’s activities and their misuse of land resources. Soil or land pollution as part of land degradation is caused by the presence of xenobiotic chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals or improper disposal of waste. Land pollution is a way bigger issue.

Cause of land pollution
  1. Biological agent: pathogenic microorganism, parasitic worm and protozoans from domestic’s sewage and treatment effect.
  2. Crude oil: from a blow outwells leaking pipelines and wreck oil tankers.
  3. Industrial waste: from chemical papers and food processing industries.
  4. Plants and animals waste: From farm, land such as poultry litters.
  5. Agricultural chemicals: including pesticide and herbicides applied to soil and plant. These are washed away by rain to the river and streams.
Effect of pollution
  1. Impaired health.
  2. Damage of plants
  3. Spoilage of materials
  4. Cause sickness
  5. Cause some chronic diseases like cancer of the lungs.
Control of pollution
  1. Proper disposal of sewage.
  2. Burial of urban waste in landfill and conversion of solid wastes to compost.
  3. Legislation of government permitting the use of only the detergent and pesticides, which can be broken down by soil by soil and water micro-organism.


Sewage is the liquid waste of a community arising from household sinks, baths and toilets from the factory. About 99% of its water and rest contain microorganism, undigested foods, matter, soap, and other impurities. To maintain the good health of the community, sewage must be properly disposed of.

Methods of sewage disposal
  • Pit-latrines
  • Septic tank.
  • Municipal treatment process.
The danger of dropping raw sewage into water
  1. Oxygen in the water is rapidly reduced as aerobic bacteria breakdown the organic matter of the sewage.
  2. Fish and other forms of aquatic destroy.
  3. Foul-smelling gases are produced by anaerobic bacteria, which multiply rapidly in the oxygen-depleted water.
The danger of improperly disposed sewage on land
  1. Flies spread pathogenic microbes in the sewage to man.
  2. Offensive odours are produced.
  3. Mosquitoes and flies breed abundantly thereby posing health danger.


In our next class, we will be talking about Sexually Transmitted Infections.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

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