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In today’s class, we will be talking about abstinence. Enjoy the class!
Abstinence is a deliberate decision not to engage in any form of sexual intercourse. Abstinence helps in preventing HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancy
Facts about abstinence
- It is morally acceptable.
- It helps in boosting self-esteem.
- It does not affect the functioning of reproductive organs.
- It is the best for prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs.
- It is a good precaution against teenage pregnancy
- It is naturally good.
Wrong notions (Myth) about sexual abstinence
The following notions, ideas or information about sexual abstinence are not true.
- It may cause infertility or impotence.
- Boys and girls that abstain are not normal.
- It may cause early menopause
- It can make testicles to burst
- Girls that are abstaining will be having menstrual pains.
- It may cause stomach pain
- Makes child delivery difficult.
- May lead to anti-social behaviour.
Reasons for abstinence from sexual intercourse
- To prevent unwanted pregnancy
- To avoid Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS
- To live up to parental and societal expectations
- To maintain virginity and chastity until the time of marriage.
- To maintain self-esteem.
- To avoid shame and disgrace that result from promiscuity
Skills and behaviours that promote abstinence
- Decision Making: One needs to have a strong determination not to engage in immoral acts before marriage.
- Self-Control: Self-discipline is an essential factor in abstaining from sexual intercourse,
- Acquire Knowledge and Information: Having more knowledge about the consequences of sexual intercourse helps one in moving far from it before marriage.
- Advanced Preparation: Identify situations that may force you into sexual intercourse and find the best ways of working against them.
- Communication: You should be able to have a meaningful discussion with anyone wanting to lure you into an immoral affair about the consequences on you as a person. Such a discussion will help in detaching you from the person.
Benefits of abstinence from sexual Intercourse
- It boosts self-esteem
- It prevents unwanted pregnancy
- It prevents HIV/AIDS and other Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs).
- It helps one to be focused on pursuing life goals.
- It preserves someone’s virginity
Religious admonitions about pre-marital Sex
No religion in Nigeria supports pre-marital sex. The Holy books (Bible and Quran) speak against pre-marital sex and explain the damnable consequences of such acts.
Youths and teenagers are advised to avoid premarital sex like plague and patiently wait until they are married.
We hope you enjoyed the class.
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
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