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In today’s Physical and Health Education class, we will be learning about Athletics And Sports (Sprints)
Athletics And Sports (Sprints)
Did you know that, in athletics and track and field, sprints (or dashes) are races over short distances. They are among the oldest running competitions, being recorded at the Ancient Olympic Games.
Interestingly, three sprints are currently held at the modern Summer Olympics and outdoor World Championships: the 100 meters, 200 meters, and 400 meters.
What then is Sprinting?
Sprinting is running over a short distance at the top-most speed of the body in a limited period of time. It is used in many sports that incorporate running, typically as a way of quickly reaching a target or goal, or avoiding or catching an opponent.
At the professional level, sprinters begin the race by assuming a crouching position in the starting blocks before driving forward and gradually moving into an upright position as the race progresses and momentum is gained. The set position differs depending on the start. The use of starting blocks allows the sprinter to perform an enhanced isometric preload; this generates muscular pre-tension which is channeled into the subsequent forward drive, making it more powerful.
Body alignment in Sprints is considered very important in producing the optimal amount of force.
Ideally, the athlete should begin in a 4-point stance and drive forwards, pushing off using both legs for maximum force production. Athletes remain in the same lane on the running track throughout all sprinting events, with the sole exception of the 400 meters indoors.
In summary, Sprints involve running over a short distance at the top-most speed of the body in a limited period of time. It is used in many sports that incorporate running activities.
Define Sprinting?
Reading Assignment
What are the things considered to be important in Sprints?
Weekend Assignment
What are the three sprints are currently held at the modern Summer Olympics and outdoor World Championships:
We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about Athletics And Sports II
Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.
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