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In today’s Basic Technology class, We will be discussing Building Construction Site Preparation. We hope you enjoy the class!


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Site preparation involves the demolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures, clearing of building sites and sale of materials from demolished structures. Site preparation also entails blasting, test drilling, landfill, levelling, earth-moving, excavating, land drainage and other land preparation. Also included are tunnelling, overburden removal and other development and preparation of mineral properties and sites, except oil and gas sites.

Preparing Site for Construction Projects

To construct an excellent project, the condition of the project site including subsurface and surface condition must be investigated and assessed thoroughly.

Steps in Preparing Site for Construction Projects

Stages or steps which are needed to undertake to prepare the construction project site are.

  • The geotechnical report related to site soil properties
  • Construction site clearing and excavation
  • Grading of the project site
  • Project site compaction

Geotechnical Report related to Site Soil Properties

The geotechnical report creates communication between project site condition and design and construction recommendation. Therefore, to understand the properties and condition of the soil of the project site, a geotechnical report about the soil of the site is a must.

Construction Site Clearing and Excavation

Clearing and excavation is part of the greater job which is carried out in preparing site for construction projects. Trees and all sorts of vegetation on the site are removed at site clearing phase.

building construction site preparation basic tech classnotesng

7 Benefits of Site Preparation

Check out these important benefits of Site Preparation:

1- Removal of Obstructions

If you are starting construction work on a new building site, you will need to fell some trees, remove debris, rocks, and other obstacles. This is otherwise known as land clearing. It will be unwise for you to think that you can do this hastily. If a shabby job is done, you will end up paying for it in the nearest future. However, proper building site preparation will help you to remove obstructions on the site.

2- Makes Excavation Easier

One of the highlights of site preparation is the removal of obstructions. This will make the site open and remove everything that was initially present on the site before site preparation started. This will make tasks like excavation very easier. Why? Everything that would have posed as the opposition has been eliminated.

3- Ease of Access

For the engineers and other workers to perform their jobs, they need to have full access to the site. One of the benefits of site preparation is that it removes every single form of hindrance from the way. If this was not done initially, it would increase the timeline of the project. This, in turn, will cost more money.

4- Damage Reduction

When site preparation is done correctly, areas on the site that have underground pipes or wires will be identified. This will prevent the damage of underground pipelines during construction activities. If any wire is accidentally touched during construction, it may electrocute the person in question. This could even cause legal troubles for you as the site owner.

5- Land Grading

This is an activity that is carried out during site preparation for construction of the project. It is done for the land to take the shape the land or site surveyor wants.

6- Increases the lifespan of a Project

When site preparation is carried out as it ought to, it helps a project to last longer.

7- Prepares the Site

As the name, site preparation goes; it makes site prepared for construction work.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Building Construction Setting Out. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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    I Love your class . My son use to read your subjects. And he use to use it for his project and entry test . You are Amazing . keep writing more . I appreciate . May the Almighty God bless you and your family with your company members . Your company shall never run down . You shall be going higher and never lower . In Jesus mighty name . AMEN

  2. I love this class and my daughter used to search for any note she wants to write God bless you and your family and your company, your pocket will never run dry and she use to show me and I use to read it and understand it. THANKS CONTINUE WITH YOUR JOB AND GOD WILL REPLENISH YOUR WORK IN JESUS NAME. AMEN

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