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In today’s Basic Technology class, We will be discussing Rescue Operation.Β We hope you enjoy the class!


rescue operation basic tech classnotesng


A rescue operation is an action taken in order to save peoples life or prevent injury during an accident or dangerous situation.

This requires a high degree of training and are performed by rescue squads, either independently or a large organization such as fire, police, Road safety corp, Red cross, Military, Paramilitary, First aid group or Ambulance services.

Rescue operations cover:

  • receiving emergency calls
  • issuing warnings to the public
  • preventing potential accidents or hazards
  • protecting people, property and the environment against danger, and rescuing accident victims
  • extinguishing fires and limiting damage

Rescue departments provide urgent help in the event of an accident or in the event of a potential hazard.

Accidents, hazards and other situations include:

  • fires (in buildings, vehicles, forests and elsewhere)
  • traffic accidents
  • accidents involving hazardous substances (chemical accidents and oil spills)
  • natural disasters, and collapsed buildings, roads and other structures
  • explosions
  • inspection and verification assignments (for automatic fire alarm systems and smoke alarms)
  • first response tasks
  • rescuing people and animals
  • loss prevention and executive assistance


rescue operation II basic tech classnotesng


  1. Search and rescue dogs
  2. Mounted search and rescue horses
  3. Helicopters
  4. Ambulance
  5. First aid kit
  6. Hydraulic cutting
  7. Spreading tools used to extricate individuals from wrecked vehicles
  8. A fire extinguisher is used where there is a fire outbreak



  1. Rope rescue
  2. Water rescue
  3. Tracking search and rescue dogs
  4. Helicopter rescue
  5. Road/Auto Extrication rescue

rescue operation III basic tech classnotesng

  1. Protection of the accident scene by marking out of the scene with cones or flares and switching off the ignition, putting the vehicle in park, disconnecting the battery in order to prevent an explosion from gasoline leakage.
  2. Patient triage and initial medical assessment of the patient by a qualified medical rescuer.
  3. The opening of the vehicle and the deformation of the structure such as a window to allow the intervention of a paramedic.
  4. The removal of a section of the vehicle usually the roof or door to allow the safe removal of the accident victim.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Materials and their Common Uses.Β We are very much eager to meet you there.


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