Challenges Associated With Contemporary Social Problems


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In today’s class, we will be talking about challenges associated with contemporary social problems. Enjoy the class!

Challenges Associated With Contemporary Social Problems

Challenges Associated With Contemporary Social Problems

Problems associated with social problems in Nigeria.

Social issues affect individual, family and the nation at large.


  1. Loss of life: Those who engaged in cultism, prostitution and some other social vice often lose their life immediately or eventually.
  2. Loss of reputation and dignity: individuals who engage in kidnapping, prostitution and sexual immorality are never respected in the society. They are seen as irresponsible and unfit to occupy any dignity post.
  3. Unemployment: Those who engage in armed robbery, or other criminal activities can never be employed by anybody.
  4. Frustration and regret: criminal and those that are infected with AIDS/HIV through sexual immorality often live in frustration and regret.


  1. It may lead to a broken home: those who engaged in criminal activities like kidnapping, armed robbery, drugs trafficking hardly have a settled home. Their spouses are likely to divorce them and this has a ripple effect on their children.
  2. Poverty and low standard of living: where the family breadwinner become HIV/AIDS positive or sent to jail for pipeline vandalization, the other members of the family may have to live in abject poverty. Meeting their basic needs of life will become difficult.
  3. Brings shame and dents family image: a child caught in cultism or armed robbery will bring shame to his parents. Such a child will story destroy the family name, image and reputation.

The nation

  1. Dents the nation’s image: Those who engage in computer fraud, drugs trafficking and other heinous crimes are indirectly destroying the image of the nation internationally. Other nations will see any Nigerian as a criminal that should be avoided like plague.
  2. Brings loss of lives and property: many lives have been lost through ritual killings, HIV/AIDS, and pipeline vandalization. Many cultists have killed some innocent souls on our campuses pipeline have been vandalized by aggrieved youths in the south-south which has greatly affected the nation’s revenue.
  3. Feeling of insecurity
  4. Loss of manpower
  5. Waste of government expenditure

The solution to social problems

  1. Law and decrees made to curb social problems should be strictly enforced: the government seems to be uncommitted to enforcing some laws made against social problems like examination malpractice, cultism and many others. To reduce examination malpractice Decree 18 of 1984 should be enforced against individuals, school principals and anyone aiding it. The same should apply to laws enacted against drug and child trafficking, prostitution, importation and peddling of fake drugs and foods, etc.
  2. Parents should rise to their responsibilities: Many youths grow up to be drug addicts, cultists, cheats because their parents did not bring them up properly. Necessary corrections, discipline, love and care were not given to them in their infancy. Many parents leave their responsibilities to the housemaid, teachers in school, TV and the internet.
  3. Good leadership: Many of our politicians occupying political positions have displayed greediness, dishonesty, selfishness and lack of commitment to the nation and the youths. Their life is not worthy of emulation. The bad examples of some of these leaders have made many youths become aggrieved and vowed to do worse than them. Some are reacting to their bad leadership by blowing up pipelines, kidnapping top government functionaries and their families. To solve some of these social problems, leaders must change their attitude. Public funds should be properly utilized to benefit everyone in society.
  4. The reward for hard work, knowledge discovery and patriotism among youths: The society should stop hailing and giving unnecessary praise and attention to money and materialism. Youths that are hardworking, honest, and patriotic and had a breakthrough in various areas of academics should be duly honoured at various levels in the society. This will encourage youths to be more diligent, honest and strive to achieve something recognizable for the nation rather than denting the image of the nation.
  5. Religious organizations: Religious organizations should live to their expectations. Pastors and imams should ensure that children and youths are given the right religious admonitions that will make them abhor evil and have the fear of God.
  6. Mass media: The mass media particularly the T.V and radio houses should through their programs re-orientate children and youths against negative behaviours. Their wrong notions and conceptions should be corrected. Youths that display honesty, integrity and achieve greatness through handwork and discipline should be brought to limelight. This will encourage other youths to do the same.
  7. The school: Principals, school owners, teachers should constantly live by example. Many schools teach morals as if they are religious organization but the school leadership indirectly teach the students dishonesty, indiscipline through their actions and lifestyles.


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