Consumer Protection II


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In today’s Commerce class, We will continue learning about Consumer Protection. We hope you enjoy the class!


CONSUMER-PROTECTION- commerce classnotesng



  • Organs of consumer protection
  • Government agencies
  • Independent organizations
  • Rights of the consumers
  • Consumer Associations




This comprises agencies that protect and educate consumers. They include:

  1. Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON): This is an agency set up by the Federal Government to ensure that goods produced at home or imported goods meet certain standards in terms of quality, safety, reliability etc.
  2. National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC): This agency was also set up by the Federal Government to ensure that foods and drugs meet safety hygiene requirements.
  3. Price Control Boards: These boards were established by the government to control the prices of goods. They ensure that certain goods are sold at government-controlled prices (PPMB)
  4. Rent Tribunals: These are set up by some state government to regulate the rents charged by landlords; prevent unnecessary exploitation of the tenants and to settle disputes regarding rent between landlords and their tenants.
  5. Environmental Protection Agencies e.g. FEPA; LASEPA, KAI etc: These are government task force on environmental sanitation and they regulate the supply of water, refuse disposal, industrial wastes, issues etc.



There are a number of private independent organizations (non-government organizations) which seek to protect consumers. These organizations, therefore, complement government efforts in this regard. They include:

  1. Trade Associations
  2. Manufacturers/Producers Associations
  3. Consumers Associations
  4. The Mass Media
  5. Educational Institutions
  6. Consumer Co-operative Societies
  7. Pressure groups



  1. Mention four government agencies whose activities are related to consumer protection.
  2. Give five examples of independent organizations involved with consumer protection.





consumer protection home economics classnotesng

The consumer has the right to:

  1. Buy the right quality of goods
  2. Inspect the goods before buying
  3. Insists on getting values for money spent
  4. Choose the good he like
  5. Insist on correct measures
  6. Insist on correct balances (change) whenever he pays for goods
  7. Be informed
  8. Be heard
  9. Safety of goods bought
  10. Seek redress to correct any injustice
  11. Healthy environment



These are non-profit associations formed by consumers to protect their rights and interests. Examples are Tenants

Associations, Retails Co-operative Societies etc.



  1. To act as a check against the exploitation of consumers
  2. To educate consumers about their rights
  3. To check arbitrary increases in the prices of goods
  4. To promote and protect the interest of consumers
  5. To pressurize the producers to produce high-quality goods and services
  6. To ensure a regular supply of goods



  1. They advise the consumer on the best brands of goods to buy
  2. They are involved in setting standards of products and services that are acceptable to consumers
  3. They act as pressure groups to influence government policies/company policies
  4. They organize tests to prove the quality of different goods available in the market
  5. They protect the interest of their members



  1. List three right of the consumer
  2. What is a consumer association?



1         Explain five functions of the Customs Authority.

2         List and explain six new trends in retailing.

3         Explain 4 advantages and three disadvantages of air transportation.

4         State five functions of consumer associations.

5         Explain five factors affecting the choice of transport of frozen products.



Essential Commerce by O. A. Longe Page 127 – 135




  1. List two objectives of forming consumers’ associations.
  2. List three rights of the consumer





We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be learning about Limited Liability Companies. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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