Counting of Number 1000 to 9999

Mathematics involves solving problems that involve numbers. We will work with whole numbers, which are any of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.  A digit is one of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. All numbers are made up of one or more digits. Numbers such as 2 have one digit, whereas numbers such as 89 have two digits. To understand what a number really means, you need to understand what the digits represent in a given number.



  1. 3,469 =Three thousand, four hundred and sixty nine
  2. 4, 196 =  four thousand, one hundred and ninety six
  3. 26, 717 = twenty six thousand, seven hundred and seventeen
  4. 214,616=two hundred and fourteen thousand, six hundred and sixteen


Interval of  2

          32        34      36        38      40

42        44       46      48       50

52       54        56       58       60

Interval of 5

           65     70      75      80       85

90     95      100    105    110

115   120    125   130     135   140

          Interval of 10

150   160 170 180 190   200

210 220 230 240 250 260             

           Interval of 20

           280  300  320  340  360  380  400  420  440 460  480  500

          Interval of 50

550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000





Write in Words

  1. 764239
  2. 1, 765, 980

Write in Figures

  1. Three million, eight hundred thousand and twenty four.
  2. Six hundred and ninety thousandInterval of  2

              32        34      36        38      40

    42        44       46      48       50

    52       54        56       58       60

    Interval of 5

               65     70      75      80       85

    90     95      100    105    110

    115   120    125   130     135   140

              Interval of 10

    150   160 170 180 190   200

    210 220 230 240 250 260             

               Interval of 20

               280  300  320  340  360  380  400  420  440 460  480  500

              Interval of 50

    550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000




    Write in Words

    1. 764239
    2. 1, 765, 980

    Write in Figures

    1. Three million, eight hundred thousand and twenty four.
    2. Six hundred and ninety thousand
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