Farm records


Welcome to class!Ā 

In todayā€™s class, we will be talking about farm records. Enjoy the class!

Farm Records

Farm Records


  • Meaning of Farm Records
  • Purpose of Keeping Farm Records
  • Types of Farm Records

Meaning of farm record

Farm record is the documentation of various events which happens on a farm.

Purpose of keeping a record
  1. It is useful for future planning
  2. It can be used as part of the collateral for a loan
  3. It helps the farmer to know whether he is making a profit or loss
  4. It helps the farmer to know the state of things on the farm
  5. It helps to detect fraudulent acts
  6. It helps in farm management decision making.


  1. What is a farm record?
  2. List two purpose of keeping farm records
Types of farm records

The types of farm records include; farm dairy, farm inventory, input records, production records, a sales record, and consumption records etc.

  1. The Farm Diary:

This contains the record of day-to-day events on the farm. This includes the dates of planting, germination, flowering, the amount of farm input such as pesticides, fertilizer and so on, the date of birth of the young animals etc.

  1. The Farm Inventory:

This is the record of all the property and resources in the farm which is owned by the farmer, these include the building, livestock, machines, equipment and so on.

  1. Input Records:

This is the record of all inputs used for production in the farm during the year; these include the cost of seeds, cost of feeds, cost of drugs, cost of tools, cost of equipment etc.

  1. Production Records:

This is the record of all items produced on the farm. Such items include crops and livestock.

  1. Consumption Records:

This is the record of all farm products consumed by the owner of the farm.

  1. Sales Records:

This is the record of the sales on the farm; it enables the farmer to know whether he is making profit or loss.

General evaluation
  1. What is an advertisement?
  2. List three purpose of advertisement
  3. List three purpose of keeping farm records
  4. List five types of farm records
  5. State the uses of the following farm records:
  • Inventory
  • Farm diary
  • Input
  • Production record
  • Sales record

Reading assignment

Junior Secondary Agriculture for Nigeria Schools, Book 3, Chapter 4, Pages 27-32


  1. What is an inventory record?
  2. List five advantages of keeping farm records.


In our next class, we will be talking about Bookkeeping.Ā  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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