Health and Hygiene – Meaning and methods of purifying water


Welcome to class!

In today’s class, we’re going to explore the meaning and methods of purifying water. Let’s dive into the world of clean and safe drinking water!

Health and Hygiene – Meaning and methods of purifying water

What is Water Purification?

Water purification means making water clean and safe to drink. It’s like giving water a special bath to get rid of anything that could make us sick.

Methods of Purifying Water:

Health and Hygiene - Meaning and methods of purifying water

  1. Boiling:

We can purify water by boiling it. We heat the water until it bubbles, and that helps to kill harmful germs and bacteria.

  1. Filtering:

Filtering is like using a strainer for water. We pass water through a special filter that traps impurities and leaves us with clean water.

Health and Hygiene - Meaning and methods of purifying water

  1. Using Water Purification Tablets:

Water purification tablets are like magic pills for water. We drop a tablet into water, and it helps to make it safe to drink.

Health and Hygiene - Meaning and methods of purifying water

  1. UV Treatment:

UV treatment is using special ultraviolet li hight to kill germs and bacteria in the water. It’s like using sunshine to purify water.

  1. Using a Water Purifier:

Some people have water purifiers at home. These machines clean the water and make it safe to drink.

Clean water is essential for our health. It keeps us safe from getting sick and helps our bodies stay strong.

Remember: Clean Water for a Healthy You!

Purifying water is like giving a gift to our bodies. It keeps us healthy and happy!

Now you know the meaning and methods of purifying water. Remember these methods to always have clean and safe drinking water!

Question Time

What does it mean to purify water, and why is it important?

Name some methods we can use to purify water. Why do we need these methods?

We have come to the end of today’s class. I hope you enjoyed the class!

In the next class, we shall be discussing Process of purifying water.

In case you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below, and trust us to respond as soon as possible. Cheers!

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