Moving Our Body Parts – Different Movement Patterns Made by People

Welcome to class!

In today’s class, we’re going to explore the wonderful world of moving our body parts in different ways. It’s going to be a lot of fun learning about the various movement patterns made by people!

Moving Our Body Parts – Different Movement Patterns Made by People

Teacher: Today, we’re going to learn how amazing our bodies are at creating different movement patterns. Let’s start by moving our arms. Can you all move your arms up and down?

Moving Our Body Parts - Different Movement Patterns Made by People

Pupil 1: Up and down like this?

Teacher: Yes, just like that! Moving our arms up and down is like waving hello or flying like birds. Now, let’s try moving our legs. Can you lift your legs and march in one place?

Pupil 2: Like this?

Teacher: Perfect! Marching is a great way to move our legs in a pattern. It’s like soldiers marching in a parade! 

Pupil: We’re parade superstars!

Teacher: Haha, indeed you are! Now, let’s explore our heads. Can you all nod your heads up and down?

Pupil 3: Like this, teacher?

Teacher: Exactly! Nodding your head is like saying “yes.” It’s a friendly way to communicate without words. And lastly, can you shake your hips side to side?

Moving Our Body Parts - Different Movement Patterns Made by People

Pupil 4: Like dancing?

Teacher: Yes! Shaking your hips is like dancing to your favorite music. It’s a joyful way to express yourself!

Summary: In today’s class, we learned about moving our body parts in different patterns. We explored moving our arms up and down, marching with our legs, nodding our heads, and shaking our hips. Each movement pattern is unique and exciting. Remember to have fun moving your body parts and creating your own special patterns!


Think about the different movement patterns we learned today, like moving our arms, marching with our legs, nodding our heads, and shaking our hips. Can you come up with a fun and creative movement pattern of your own? Describe it and tell us why you think it’s special.

We have come to the end of today’s class. I hope you enjoyed the class!

In the next class, we shall be discussing Safety Rules for Basic Movement.

In case you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below, and trust us to respond as soon as possible. Cheers!

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