Health and Hygiene – Practical demonstration of how to purify water


Welcome to class!

In today’s class, we’re going to do a hands-on experiment to see how we can purify water. Let’s get ready for some water wizardry! 

Materials You Need:

A clear glass of dirty water

A clean glass

A coffee filter or a piece of cloth

A pot or kettle

A heat source (like a stove or a campfire)

A stopwatch or a timer

Step-by-Step Practical Demonstration:

Health and Hygiene - Practical demonstration of how to purify water

  1. Collect Dirty Water:

First, we collect a glass of dirty water. This can be water from a pond or a stream.

  1. Set Up the Filter:

Next, we set up a filter using a coffee filter or a piece of cloth. We secure it over the top of a clean glass.

  1. Pour the Dirty Water:

We pour the dirty water through the filter into the clean glass. The filter will catch the big stuff and make the water clearer.

Health and Hygiene - Practical demonstration of how to purify water

  1. Boil the Water:

Now, we heat the filtered water in a pot or kettle. We start the stopwatch or timer when the water starts boiling.

  1. Let It Cool:

Once the water has boiled for a few minutes, we turn off the heat and let it cool. This might take a little while.

Health and Hygiene - Practical demonstration of how to purify water

  1. Clean Water:

When the water has cooled down, we have clean and safe water to drink!

Why Do We Do This?

Health and Hygiene - Practical demonstration of how to purify water

We do this experiment to show how we can purify water and make it safe to drink, just like we learned in our class.

Clean water is like a superhero for our health. It keeps us safe and strong!

Now you know how to practically purify water. Remember these steps to always have clean and safe drinking water! 

Question Time

What materials do we need for the practical demonstration of water purification?

Why do we start with a glass of dirty water for this experiment?

What is the purpose of the filter in the experiment, and what does it do to the water?

We have come to the end of today’s class. I hope you enjoyed the class!

In the next class, we shall be discussing Meaning of Air Pollution.

In case you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below, and trust us to respond as soon as possible. Cheers!

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