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In today’s class, we will be talking more about human reproduction. Enjoy the class!
Human Reproduction II
Symptoms of pregnancy
These are some of the symptoms of pregnancy;
- Tiredness:
Also ranks high among early symptoms of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, levels of the hormone progesterone soar. In high enough doses, progesterone can put you to sleep. At the same time, lower blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure and increased blood production may team up to sap your energy during your pregnancy.
- Nauseous and vomiting:
Morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, is one of the classic symptoms of pregnancy. For some women, the queasiness begins as early as two weeks after conception. Nausea seems to stem at least in part from rapidly rising levels of estrogen, which causes the stomach to empty more slowly. Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so various odours – such as foods cooking, perfume or cigarette smoke – may cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy. There are some hints and tips to help combat the effect of morning sickness.
- Swollen breasts:
Your breasts may provide one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. As early as two weeks after conception, hormonal changes may make your breasts tender, tingly or sore. Alternatively, your breasts may feel fuller and heavier.
- Headache and dizziness:
Early in pregnancy, increased blood circulation caused by hormonal changes may trigger frequent, mild headaches.
- Basal temperature raise:
Your basal body temperature is your oral temperature when you first wake up in the morning. This temperature increases slightly soon after ovulation and remains at that level until your next period. If you have been charting your basal body temperature to determine when you ovulate, its continued elevation for more than two weeks may mean that you are pregnant.
- Constipation:
It is another common early symptom of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone causes food to pass more slowly through the intestines, which can lead to constipation.
- Missed period.
- Eating a lot i.e. craving for different food.
- Farting
- Bloating
- Crying
- Frequent urge to pee.
- Lower back pain
- Light spotting or implantation bleeding.
- Mood swing
Where to get help for the growth of the fetus
The only place to get help in the hospital, so you will start anti-natal and use the necessary drugs.
In our next class, we will be talking about Forces. We hope you enjoyed the class.
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
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