Meaning, Scope And History Of Social Studies


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In today’s class, we will be talking about the meaning, scope and history of social studies. Enjoy the class!

Meaning, Scope And History Of Social Studies!

social studies

Social studies can be defined as the study of man in his environment. It is the study of man and his relationships with other people around him, including all the natural resources in his environment.

Social studies assess man in his physical and social environment as well as the effects of science, technology, and religion on him. Man in social studies refers to human beings.

Social study is therefore defined as the study of man’s life, his interactions with his social and physical environments, and his knowledge of science and technology to solve this problem in his environment.

History of Social Studies

The history of social studies started from USA, Europe, and African then to other parts of the world. Through seminars Workshop and conferences, Nigeria developed social studies as a subject in the early 70s during the time of General Gowon’s regime.

Today, the subject is taught in Basic Education Schools, NTI, Colleges of Education and Universities and a course at the PhD level. It is one of the core subjects in schools today.

Contents of social studies
  1. Facts: These are things that are known to be true and accurate, especially when it can be proved e.g. facts about life and existence, etc
  2. Concepts: It denotes ideas or principles that are connected with something abstract which could be categorized and treated as equals.
  3. Generalization: These are general statements that are based on only a few known facts.
  4. Skill: t has to do with the ability to do something well and of quality.
  5. Value: It refers to principles and ideas people hold and cherish as important and rewarding.
  6. Attitude: It is an organized and consistent manner of thinking feeling to people, groups, and social issues in one’s environment.
Objectives of social studies


  • develop the ability to adapt to the change in environment. This ability includes speech ability, manipulative ability, learning ability, etc.
  • inculcate national consciousness and national unity. National consciousness refers to a strong love and feeling for one’s country, which supersedes every other feeling.
  • become a good citizen, capable and willing to contribute to the development of society.
  • inculcate the right types of values and attitudes.
  • inspire people both young and old, to acquire the spirit of loyalty, honesty, discipline etc.


In our next class, we will be talking about the Social Environment of Man.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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