Movement of Our Body – Shooting, Heading, Bending, and Stretching

Welcome to class!

Hello, my wonderful pupils! Today, we are going to have so much fun learning about the movement of our amazing bodies. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Movement of Our Body – Shooting, Heading, Bending, and Stretching

Teacher: Today, we’ll talk about how our bodies can move in different ways. It’s like a dance with your body!

Pupil: Yay, I love dancing with my body!

Teacher: Great! First, let’s talk about “shooting.” Who knows what shooting means?

Movement of Our Body - Shooting, Heading, Bending, and Stretching

Pupil 1: It’s like kicking a ball really far, right?

Teacher: Exactly! Shooting is like kicking a ball with power. Imagine you’re a soccer superstar kicking the winning goal! Pow!

Pupil: Pow! I can be a soccer superstar!

Teacher: You sure can! Now, let’s move on to “heading.” What do you think heading means?

Pupil 2: Is it when you hit a ball with your head?

Movement of Our Body - Shooting, Heading, Bending, and Stretching

Teacher: You got it! Heading is using your head to touch the ball gently, like a soft pillow. Be careful, though, we always use a special ball for that, not a regular one.

Pupil: Soft like a pillow, got it!

Teacher: Good job! Next is “bending.” Can anyone show me how they can bend their body?

Pupil 3: I can touch my toes!

Teacher: That’s bending! Bending is like a sleepy cat stretching down to touch its paws. It helps us stay flexible and strong.

Movement of Our Body - Shooting, Heading, Bending, and Stretching

Pupil: I’m a sleepy cat, meow!

Teacher: Haha, great! Last but not least, “stretching.” Who can show us how to stretch?

Pupil 4: I can reach up high, like I’m trying to touch the sky!

Teacher: That’s perfect! Stretching is like reaching for the sky to make your muscles feel long and relaxed. It’s super important!

Movement of Our Body - Shooting, Heading, Bending, and Stretching

Pupil: I can touch the sky!

Teacher: You sure can, little superstars! Remember, we can do all these movements to stay healthy and have lots of fun. So, let’s practice shooting, heading, bending, and stretching every day!

Pupil: Yay, we’re going to be healthy superstars!

Teacher: Absolutely! Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be experts in moving your bodies in amazing ways. Stay active, stay happy, and always have fun!

Summary: In today’s class, we learned about different ways our bodies can move, like shooting (kicking), heading (using our head), bending (like a sleepy cat), and stretching (reaching for the sky). These movements help us stay healthy and have lots of fun while being active. Keep practicing and enjoy being healthy superstars! 


Dear Pupils, your appointment question for our next class is: “Can you practice one of the movements we learned today, like shooting or stretching, with your family or friends at home? What did you enjoy the most about it?”

Remember to ask your family or friends to join in the fun and share your experiences with the class next time!

We have come to the end of today’s class. I hope you enjoyed the class!

In the next class, we shall be discussing more about Movement of our body

In case you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below, and trust us to respond as soon as possible. Cheers!

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