

Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about negotiation. Enjoy the class!



Negotiation is a process of reaching an agreement through discussion and compromise. It can also be defined as the process of achieving agreement through discussion.

Need for negotiation

People may need negotiation during any of these situations:

  1. Need to deal with peer pressure.
  2. Need to go on dating.
  3. The decision to join a club or cult.
  4. Need to participate in team games.
  5. Use of contraceptives.
  6. Need to decide on the use of hard drug or alcohol.
  7. Need to attend a party.
  8. Making a sexual decision.

Good skills for effective negotiation

These are:

  1. Good listening ability
  2. Use of positive body language
  3. Good verbal communication
  4. Identifying all the options in the situation.
  5. Imagine yourself in the other person’s position
  6. Reaching a mutual agreement

Steps in successful negotiation

  1. State your position using’ statements, say what you want or need.
  2. Listen to the other person’s position.
  3. Find out what the other people want or need.
  4. Restate his position to be sure you understand it Brainstorms a win-win solution that will work for both.
  5. Agree on a solution. Try it out and if it does not work, start the process all over.
  6. Get an adult to intervene when physical force is involved.

Factors that influence negotiation

  1. Ability to uphold one’s value.
  2. Effective communication with others.
  3. Creative compromise
  4. Use of body language
  5. Empathy
  6. Tolerance

Negotiating techniques


S = Say no effectively

W= Why (give a clear reason for your decision)

A= Suggest an alternative (if you feel like)

T = Talk it out (discuss your feeling)

Benefits of negotiation

  1. Enhances personal development and social harmony.
  2. Promote self-respect.
  3. Helps in arriving at a peaceful agreement.
  4. Promotes positive interaction.
  5. Provides an opportunity for compromise.
  6. Enhance assertiveness and promote understanding.
  7. Sets a mutual limit in a sexual situation.
  8. Promote cooperative interpersonal relationship.

Reasons for negotiation

  1. In order to come into mutual agreement between both parties, negotiation is needed
  2. In order to share resources such as land, money, houses, properties, materials etc between two or more bodies, negotiation is important
  3. Lack of integrity also bring about negotiation between people or persons. Hence, it can be used as make up for individual’s dishonesty during the course of business
  4. Negotiation helps to play fair between two or more parties
  5. Negotiation helps to build confidence between parties involve in any business together
  6. It also help build better relationship between two or more parties
  7. Negotiation helps promote good will in despite difference in interest


In our next class, we will be talking about National Unity Integration.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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