Back to: Mathematics Primary 1
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Last week we learnt how to find missing addends in a given maths problem. Now we will learn how to find the missing number in subtraction.
What is the missing number in these subtraction sums?
(i) 9 – ? = 4
What number taken away from 9 leaves 4? The answer is 5.
Therefore, the sum should be written 9 – 5 = 4
(ii) ? – 2 = 5
From what number must you subtract 2 so as to leave 5? The answer is 7. Therefore, the sum should be written 7 – 2 = 5
(iii) 6 – ? = 5
What number taken away from 6 leaves 5? The answer is 1.
Therefore, the sum should be written 6 – 1 = 5.
(iv) ? – 7 = 1
From what number must you subtract 7 so as to leave 1? The answer is 8. Therefore, the sum should be written 8 – 7 = 1
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