Hello children, welcome back to class




Time measures the period an event takes place.


  • Can you identify the following objects? Write down their names.

pp     a) _________. b) _____________


  • Describe what the above is used for


  • Tell the time the following activities take place: Morning, Afternoon, Evening or night.
  1. We sleep at ________
  2. We go to school in the ________
  3. We visit friends in the ________
  4. We take lunch in the ________
  5. We take Super at _________

The Need To keep To Time

We need to keep to time and be punctual for all our activities. Keeping to time helps us to

  • Saves time
  • Achieve more
  • Shows we are diligent
  • Early to bed early to rise keeps us healthy
  • It helps us make more money
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