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In today’s Catering Craft’s class, we will be learning about Non-alcoholic Drinks
Non-alcoholic Drinks
Remember how we talked about Beverages being any drink other than water, right? We also said beverages could either be Alcoholic or non-alcoholic. Now, we are going to look at Non-alcoholic drinks under Beverages, and some of the drinks you can find in Nigeria.
An alcohol-free or non-alcoholic drink, also known as a temperance drink, is a version of an alcoholic drink made without alcohol, or with the alcohol removed or reduced to almost zero.
These may take the form of a non-alcoholic mixed drink or non-alcoholic beer, and are widely available where alcoholic drinks are sold.
Nigerian society has a social culture that involves wining and dining like other cultures. These drinks could be manufactured, or freshly brewed and sourced naturally from the environment.
Here are examples of non-alcoholic drinks:
This red popping drink has stood the test of time in many Nigerian homes. Zobo is a healthy non-alcoholic drink made from hibiscus flowers of the roselle plant. From the flowers come the deep red color it is known for.
This rich creamy and high nutrient drink is another to try out. Kunu is a drink predominantly done by the Northerners in Nigeria and it is made with cereals like millet, coconut, dates, groundnut and ginger for extra savour
The main source of adoyo is pineapple and pap(made from corn). Adoyo, which is pap paired with pineapple, improves the sour taste that comes naturally with pap.
Fura da Nono
From the heart of Northern Nigeria is another drink called fura da nono. This nutritious drink is made from millet, fura, and fermented cow milk (nono). Fura da nono is similar to the consistency of yogurt but can be lumpy from the fermentation process. The millet used is grounded and set to low heat before the milk is added to it.
In summary, a Non-alcoholic drink also known as alcohol-free, non-alcoholic drink, or temperance drink, is a type of an alcoholic drink made without alcohol, or with the alcohol removed or reduced to almost zero.
What are Non-alcoholic Drinks?
Reading Assignment
Give two other names for Non-alcoholic Drinks.
Weekend Assignment
Other than those listed in today’s class, list three non-alcoholic drinks that are consumed by people in your locality.
We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about Alcoholic Drinks.
Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can
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