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In today’s Physical and Health Education class, we will be learning about the Philosophy of Physical Education
Philosophy of Physical Health Education
When we talk about the philosophy of physical education, we are referring to those things serving as the foundation and guidelines in physical education. Just as we have guidelines in all aspects of life ranging from religion to moral values, and so on, the philosophy of physical education is an aspect of philosophy that seeks to analyze issues of sport and physical activities as human activities. These issues cover many areas, and can often include aesthetics. The philosophical perspective on physical education originated in Ancient Greece, having experienced a revival in the end part of the 20th century with the work.
A philosophical perspective on physical education incorporates its metaphysical relationships with art and play, ethical issues of virtue and fairness, and more broadly sociopolitical.
It is incomplete to talk about the origin of physical education without talking about the ancient Greece and Spartans which championed competitive sports in both boys and girls and among countries. As a result, we now have sports activities within countries and internationally.
Ancient Greece is considered the birthplace of both ancient philosophy and Olympic sport. Hellenistic philosophies hung great significance on athletic performance. A leader’s athletic prowess, according to history, reflects their ability to lead. (Games of the Phaeacians in Homer’s Odyssey) The sport was seen as an epistemic inquiry, a methodological process by which we learn the objective truth of a person’s athletic potential by actualizing it in athletic competition.
Athletics as a measure of individual worth was seen as a cure for social inequality. The sport was even seen as moral education, with Plato advocating the participation of women in sports for their moral enrichment. Aristotle emphasized physical activity as an ethical responsibility.
Ethical issues in the philosophy of physical education predominantly center on athlete behavior about rules of the game, other athletes, spectators, external factors such as socioeconomic issues among supporters and communities, and issues of using drugs while participating in sports, which is also referred to as doping.
Issues of drugs in sport focus on the ethics of medical intervention on athletic performance: what is acceptable versus what is not, and how boundaries can be drawn.
Particular attention is given to the question of what factors ought to be taken into consideration when banning certain medical interventions.
In summary, the philosophy of education holds its origin in Ancient Greece, having experienced a revival in the end part of the 20th century with the work. For this cause, physical education incorporates its metaphysical relationships with art and play, ethical issues of virtue and fairness, and more broadly sociopolitical.
What is the emphasis of the Philosophy of Physical Education?
Reading Assignment
Physical education incorporates its metaphysical relationships with ………, ……….. and …………
Weekend Assignment
Aside from its philosophical perspective of physical education, what else does the Philosophy of Education preach?
We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about the Concept of The Whole Man.
Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.
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