Public Enterprises


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In today’s Commerce class, We will be learning about Public Enterprises. We hope you enjoy the class!


public sector commerce classnotesng



  1. Features of Public Enterprises
  2. Reasons for government ownership of Public Enterprises
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Enterprises
  4. Sources of Capital/Finance for Public Enterprises.



Public Enterprises are business organizations established, owned, managed and controlled by the government. They are also referred to as Public Corporations or Statutory Corporations. Examples of Public Enterprises in Nigeria are PHCN, NNPC, NRC, NPA etc.



  1. Creation by Act of Legislature or a Decree
  2. Nationalization of private industries

Nationalization is the bringing of ownership and management of private industries under the control of the government. Nationalized industries are therefore industries taken over from private owners by the government.



  1. They are owned and financed by the government
  2. They render essential social services
  3. Profit-making is not the main motive of their establishment.
  4. They are usually monopolies
  5. They are established by Acts of Parliament or Decrees
  6. They are managed by appointed Board of Directors
  7. Their employees are public servants
  8. Huge amount of capital is involved in their establishment.
  9. They are separate legal entities
  10. Their services are restricted
  11. They enjoy perpetual existence



  1. The large capital requirement which is needed in some business cannot be provided by private interests
  2. For price control and consumer protection purposes i.e. to prevent exploitation of consumers
  3. To control or curtail private monopoly powers
  4. For strategic and security reasons
  5. To generate revenue for the government
  6. To prevent foreign dominance of the economy
  7. To provide essential services to the citizens at affordable prices.
  8. To avoid wasteful duplication of facilities and services inherent in market competition.
  9. To provide employment opportunities to the people
  10. To ensure even distribution of income.
  11. To ensure a constant supply of goods and services and checkmate the activities of hoarders of goods
  12. To control vital economic activities e.g. NNPC, FAAN.
  13. To promote rapid and even economic development of the whole country e.g. Rural industrialization
  14. To encourage research and development activities.
  15. To provide a model of efficient management in some social and economic activities e.g. State farms, universities, schools, hospitals etc.




  1. List and explain six reasons for government ownership of enterprises.
  2. State and explain five features which are common to public corporations and public limited companies



  1. List the sources of finance available to a Public corporation.
  2. State four advantages and two disadvantages of public corporations



  1. Essential Commerce for SSS by O. A. Longe Page 173 – 177
  2. Comprehensive commerce for SSS by J. U. Anyaele Page 311 – 316





We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will continue learning about Public Enterprises. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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