Road Traffic Lights, Their Functions And Markings 

Welcome to class.

Obey traffic lights:

  1. Red light means stop
  2. Greenlight means go
  3. Amber light means get ready


  1. It helps prevent an accidents
  2. It helps facilitate the safe movement of cars to avoid collisions
  3. It helps to catch some not cautious motorists and sock them with traffic tickets and fines to raise money for government.
  4. It helps control movement of traffic


  1. There are …………. colours in road traffic lights
  2. Name the colours found in the road traffic lights
  3. How many colours are found in a zebra crossing
  4. Green, Red and Amber colours means ……………., …………………and ……………………


We have come to the end of the class. If you have any questions ask using the comment box. See you in the next class.

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