Relative Pronouns and Vocabulary Development


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In today’s class, we will be talking about relative pronouns and vocabulary development. Enjoy the class!

Relative Pronouns and Vocabulary Development



Remember I told you earlier that we use pronouns to replace nouns in sentences. There are different types of pronouns such as personal, possessive, demonstrative, indefinite, interrogative, relative and reflexive pronouns. Today, we will focus primarily on Relative Pronouns.

We use Relative Pronoun to refer to nouns already mentioned in the subject position. The subject could refer to people, animals, things, places, or ideas. The relative pronouns we have in English are as follows: who, whose, whom, which and that.

Now, look at this example:

The man who came to visit us is my uncle.

Now, let’s break this sentence down. Ready?

‘The man’ is in the above sentence is a noun phrase functioning as the subject (do you still remember noun phrase?

‘Who came to visit us’ is a relative clause introduced by the relative pronoun ‘who’, giving us more information about ‘the man’.

Let’s check another example.

The restaurant that is located top city has just been robbed.

This sentence also has the same structure as the previous one.

‘That’ in the sentence is a relatively pronoun that introduces the relative clause.


Now complete the following sentences by filling in the blank space with appropriate relative Pronouns.

  1. My aunt needs a Nanny __________ can watch her kids while she is at work.
  2. We saw Anjola __________ was given an award
  3. The policeman _________ I slapped is here
  4. Gbolahan sent away the dog __________ he bought last week
  5. Is that the man _________ stole your money?


In our last class on Vocabulary Development, we treated words associated with human body system and functions, and I made you do classwork, which I believed you completed and confirmed with your dictionary.

Today, we will be adding to your vocabulary by considering words associated with the building.

Look at the following words. Have you seen any of them before? Can you guess or do you know their meanings?

tectonic                                terracotta

scaffold                                 girder

spline                                      furring

geostatic                              wattle

archway                               superstructure

edifice                                   masonry

entablature                         wallboard

Learning new words is not difficult. As long as you have your dictionary handy, you can check the meaning of words and commit them to mind so you won’t forget it. A very good way to achieve that is to use the word in sentences as many times as you can, especially if it occurs in your daily activities.

Now let’s use some of the words above in sentences:

  1. The mansion was built with terracotta made at the construction site.
  2. They built a triumphal archway to memorialize their victory
  3. The greedy bricklayer fell down from the scaffold while stretching his hand to collect biscuit from his workfellow.


Look up the remaining of those words in your dictionary and use them in sentences. Also, if you have access to the internet, Search for images of such words, especially the concrete ones. Learning words with visual images also help retain their meanings in the brain.


In our next class, we will be talking about Plural Forms of Noun.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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