Informal Letter, Vocabulary Development and Reading


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about informal letter, vocabulary development and reading. Enjoy the class!

Informal Letter, Vocabulary Development and Reading



Drawing from your knowledge of informal letter as you have been taught in previous classes, informal letters are the letters you write to your dear ones, such as friends, parents and other relatives.

Today in this lesson, you will be taking exercise:


Your brother has just completed his first-degree university course. Write a letter to him, congratulating him on this great achievement.

Do you still remember the features of an informal letter? Make sure you write your address alone, then the date, both at the upper right side of your note. Then the salutation immediately on the next line at the left side. Remember also that your letter does not require a heading, since it is an informal letter.


Below is a list of vocabulary items associated with the environment. You probably know the meanings of most of the words. For those words you are not sure of their meaning, look them up in your dictionary to discover what they mean.

Flood                                                          Pollution

Natural resources                                       Green peace

Climate                                                        Climate change

Garbage                                                      Sanitation

Radiation                                                    Ozone layer

Sphere                                                        Carbon dioxide

Deforestation                                              Drought

Earthquake                                                  Landscape

Atmosphere                                                Forest

Arena                                                          Scope

Now, construct a sentence with each of the words above and show it to your parents.


Reading and writing are the twin element of literacy. Both are different sides of the same coin. However, reading seems to be more essential, since it helps you to access a lot of information about the world as much as you can take in.

For students to benefit optimally and maximally from formal education, they have to be empowered with good reading ability.

The implied meaning is referred to as the connotative meaning of words in the English Language. Connotative meaning is the additional meaning a word may have that goes beyond the dictionary definition. An implied meaning, therefore, is the process of understanding the main idea of a text or word in a new way.

Reading for implied meaning has to do with one’s ability to read, understand and be able to reproduce.

The meaning of a word may be implied by the general sense of its context. For instance, the meaning of the word incarcerated is implied in the following sentence:

Murderers are usually incarcerated for longer periods of time than robbers.

Now you probably don’t know the meaning of incarcerated. However, you may infer it by answering the question ‘What usually happens to those found guilty of murder or robbery?’

If you answered that they are locked up in jail, prison, or a penitentiary, you correctly inferred the meaning of incarcerated.

See this other example: Ben is fearless, but his brother is timorous.

You may infer the meaning of timorous by answering the question, ‘If Ben is fearless and Jim is very different from Ben with regard to fear, then what word describes Jim?’

If your answer is timid, afraid or fearful, you inferred the meaning of timorous.

With that understanding, infer the meaning of credence and gregarious in the following text without using your dictionary. Then look it up in your dictionary to confirm your conclusion:

  • Dad gave credence to my story, but Mom’s reaction was one of total disbelief.
  • Those who enjoy belonging to clubs, going to parties, and inviting friends often to their homes for dinner are gregarious.


Do you know your reading speed? How fast can you read and still grab the meaning of what you read? Set a timer now and read a passage for 60 seconds. Then count the number of words you read in a minute. Do it about two times again with other passages to discover the average words you can read per minute and still grab the meaning of what you read.


In our next class, we will be talking about Introduction to Sequence of Tense.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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