Care Of Personal Belonging

Welcome to class.

Personal belongings are those things that belongs to us personally. These personal belongings include;

  1. Our body. E.g. Mouth, Skin.
  2. Clothes E.g. Skirt, Shirt.
  3. Shoe


  1. Soap
  2. Sponge
  3. Balde
  4. Nail File
  5. Comb
  6. Brush
  7. Shapoo
  8. Thread


  1. Nail file and blade are used to cut short the fingers and toes nails.
  2. Comb and brush are used to comb the hair or brush it as one desire.
  3. Shampoo is used to wash the hair when it is dirty.

EVALUATION: Mention 3 articles for personal belongings.

We have come to the end of the class. If you have any questions ask using the comment section. See you in the next class.

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