The Features of Colonial Administration

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In today’s class, we will be talking about the features of colonial administration. Enjoy the class!

The Features of Colonial Administration

Colonial Administration

Clifford’s constitution (1922)

  1. Introduction of the elective principle in Nigeria, i.e.
  2. Africans were elected into the legislative council for the first time.
  3. The constitution got its name from the, then colonial governor of Nigeria, Sir Hugh Clifford.
  4. It introduced new legislative and executive councils.
  5. There were no Africans in the executive council.
  6. The executive council was set up to advise the governor.

Richard’s constitution (1946)

  1. It brought regionalism into Nigeria (Eastern, Western, Northern) regions.
  2. A regional house of assembly was created.
  3. The constitution retained the elective principle.
  4. Members of the legislative council were also members of the regional council.

Macpherson’s constitution (1951)

  1. It introduced a single chamber legislature (central legislative body)
  2. It had a bicameral legislature for the northern and western regions.
  3. It ushered in a federal system of government.
  4. It was the only constitution Nigerians were consulted before it was made

Lyttleton’s constitution (1954)

  1. Upon the introduction of a federal system of government, powers were shared between the Centre and regions.
  2. Each region enjoyed autonomy.
  3. The northern and western regions had bicameral legislature while the east retained unicameral.
  4. Lagos was made the federal capital territory.
  5. The house of representatives was now to be presided over by the speaker instead of the governor

1960 independence constitution

  1. The federal legislature comprised of 2 houses (Senate and House of Representatives).
  2. The office of the prime minister of Nigeria was established.
  3. The House of Representatives would have 320 members distributed according to the population of each area in the country.
  4. The police would remain under federal control.
  5. Establishment of full regional self-government for the east and west in 1957 and the north in 1959.


In our next class, we will be talking about the Supremacy of the Constitution.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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