Plant Nutrient and Nutrient Cycle 


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In today’s Agricultural Science class, We will be learning about Plant Nutrients and Nutrient Cycles. We hope you enjoy the class!



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  • Classify plant nutrients
  • Functions and deficiency symptoms of nutrients
  • Nutrient cycles



Plant nutrients are classified into two, these include macronutrient and micronutrient.



These are mineral elements or nutrients required by crops in large quantities. Examples are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sulphur.



These are mineral elements or nutrients required by crops in small quantities. Examples are Zinc, Copper, boron, molybdenum, Iron, Chlorine and Manganese.



1. Nitrogen i.       Aids plant growth and reproduction

ii.    Promotes vegetative and short system growth

iii.  Excess Nitrogen delay maturation and fruiting

iv. Promotes chlorophyll formation

v.  Necessary for the synthesis of plant hormones

i.       Stunted growth

ii.      Yellowing of leaves

iii.     Leaves tend to drop

iv.     Poor formation of fruits and flowers

2. Phosphorus i.  It aid enzyme reactions

ii. It is a constituent of cell division

iii. Increases soil resistant to diseases

iv. Helps in the ripening of fruits

v. Help in root development and seed germination

vi.  Aids seed germination

i. Logging results in cereal crops

ii. Stunted growth

iii. Leaves turn purple and brownish in colour

iv. Poor root development

v. Immature fruit drop


3 Potassium i. An important constituent of plant tissues

ii.    Aids synthesis of carbohydrates

iii.   Activates various plant enzyme reactions

iv.  Promotes development of young plants

v.   Helps in nitrate uptake in the soil

i. Weak slender stems

ii. Delayed growth

iii. Premature loss of leaves

iv. Brown colour at margin of leaves

4 Calcium i.   Strengthens plant cell with calcium pectate

ii.  Helps in translocation and storage of carbohydrate and proteins in seeds and tubers

iii. Necessary for normal growth of root tips

iv. It controls toxicity of aluminium, manganese and sodium ions

v. It improves soil PH

i.       Causes stunting of root system

ii.      Weak slender plants

iii.     Pale yellow colour of leaves

5 Magnesium i.  It is important in the synthesis of carbohydrate as it is a constituent of chlorophyll

ii. It assists in the transportation of phosphate for fruit seeds development

iii. It enhances plant growth

iv. It is required for normal cell division

v. Necessary for the synthesis of soil in plants

i. Chlorosis along leaf veins

ii. Stunted growth Premature leaf fall


micronutrients agric classnotesng



  1. Give five examples each of macro and micronutrients.
  2. State the functions and deficiency symptoms of sulphur, iron, manganese copper, zinc, boron and molybdenum.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will continue learning about Plant Nutrient and Nutrient Cycles. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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