Result of not Obeying Government Rules and Regulations

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In this lesson, you will be learning about the consequences of disobeying government rules and regulations.

Results/Consequences of Disobeying Government Rules and Regulations

  • People lose their freedom. For example, those who steal would be taken to prison. Also, those who commit other crimes may be taken to prison too.
  • Disobedient people get arrested by the police. People who disturb the peace of the community may also get arrested
  • Disobedient children get punished at home by their parents. They also get punished at school by their teachers
  • Disobedient people do not have friends because they are rejected by society
  • Sometimes, when people break the law of the country, the high court judge would make them pay a fine.
  • Embark on community service
  • Withdrawal of privileges
  • Demotion
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