Sense Organ II: The sense of hearing (ears)

Welcome to class.

We hear with our ears. The ear is the sense organ with which we hear sounds made by thins around us. Some people have hearing aids to help them hear sounds. People who cannot hear at all are deaf.

There are sounds all around us. The sounds that we hear are vibrations that come into our ears. The vibrations send signals to our brains and our brain tells us what we hear. For example, when we hear the sound of a bell, even without seeing the bell, we know it is bell.

 Sounds made by Man

The baby crying
The boy whistling
The girl dancing
The boy laughing.

Sound made by animals

A cock crows
A lion roars
A dog barks
A cat meows

Sound made by non- living objects

A car hoots
A telephone rings


We have come to the end of today’s class. I f you have any questions ask using the comment box. See you in the next class.

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